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My geography teacher's monotone voice was putting me to sleep.

I felt my blinking get heavier and heavier as I struggled to stay awake. I usually liked geography, but today I just couldn't focus.

I raised my hand and asked for permission to use the bathroom so I could take a break.

As I walked down the deserted halls and headed to the girls bathroom, I yawned. I honestly just wanted to take a nap...

Down the hall, I saw Landon's lean figure opening the door that led to the school basement.


As the student council treasurer, I knew the school inside out - and there was absolutely nothing in the basement. It was literally just cobwebs and pipes. I wasn't even sure if they had lights down there.

Why would Landon be entering the basement in the middle of second period? My first guess was that he was hooking up with someone down there, yet he seemed to be all alone.

I knew I should've minded my business and gone to the bathroom, as I was supposed to be doing, but my nosiness got the best of me.

Plus, the idea of getting Landon in trouble didn't sound too bad.

I hid behind a row of lockers until Landon had entirely disappeared into the basement. Then I followed him.

I quietly opened the door and slowly worked my way downstairs. The basement was disgusting and I couldn't see a single thing. There was only one small window barely illuminating the room.

I expected to hear the voice of another girl, or at least some other students, but all I heard was the sound of slurping.

Except the slurping sounded intense. It sounded as though Landon was dousing himself in a drink, as if he hadn't drank in days.

But the drink didn't sound like alcohol, it sounded as if it had a thicker consistency. A smoothie maybe?

I edged closer to the sound and eventually I saw Landon standing by the window with his back turned. Why did he have to go to the basement just to drink?

It began to occur to me that something was gravely wrong here. Goosebumps appeared along my arms.

Landon slowly turned his body and sighed.

I instinctively gasped in horror as I saw his face - it was covered in what looked like blood.

Landon had been drinking from a mason jar filled with a mysterious thick red liquid.

I turned to run away, but accidentally knocked something over. The object crashed on the floor with a loud bang that Landon instantly heard.

My heart began to thump quickly from anxiety, I had no idea what Landon was going to do to me if he saw me.

"Who's there?" Landon aggressively called out.

My hands were shaking from my nervousness. I couldn't function.

I ran towards the stairs, but Landon's firm hand grabbed my arm.

He looked at me with the most severe look I had ever seen. I trembled in fear as the worst thoughts popped into my head.

Was he going to hurt me?

Landon squeezed my arm very tightly. His nails dug into my skin.

"Get out!" Landon yelled so loud that I started to cry.

"Let go of me!" I screamed.

I used all of my strength to tear my arm from him and I ran out of the basement.

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