1: Naps can get you into trouble

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"Another delivery came in Fleur, 34th Bronx street avenue." My boss tells me as soon as I arrive and I look at him in disbelief.

"But my break is in the next 30 seconds" I complain, my face scrunched up in displeasure.

I have been delivering packages continuously since morning and to say I'm tired is an understatement.

Every single day, I have to endure this torture because I don't have the necessary papers to get me a good job and top it all off my boss is a dick.

"Well then, better hurry up and deliver before the 30 seconds are over." He says while lightly scratching his pot belly and I shut my eyes to prevent myself from giving back a rude reply.

34th Bronx street is like a 30 minute ride from here, how am I supposed to ride my bicycle there and back in under 30 seconds.

"Yes sir." I reply, taking the package from him unwillingly.

I hate my job to the moon and back.

Why do I never get breaks while all the other workers here are given theirs, so unfair.

If my boss hates me that much then the feeling is mutual.

I got this job two months ago after I moved out of the orphanage on my 20th birthday and so far, it's been going terrible.

I carefully cycle on the sidewalk doing my best to not hit any pedestrian as I feel myself getting tired after each cycle.

Heaving a sigh of relief after arriving at my destination, I tie my bicycle to a post and walk towards the huge building where I'm taking the delivery.

"ID." The security guard at the entrance says and I give him a small smile, reaching out for my ID.

He looks at it for a while as he also sneaks a glance at me like he couldn't believe I'm a fully grown adult.

I'm that petite, huh.

He gives me back my ID and I walk past him to the receptionist.

"Excuse me, I'm here to deliver a package." I tell the receptionist while waving the hand containing the package and he directs me the flight of stairs just next to the elevator.

"5th floor, on your right... that's where all the packages are taken." He tells me, smiling kindly and I nod my head in understanding.

I press the elevator, wanting to use it and I groan out loud when it asks for an identification key card for it to open.

Seriously? An elevator only for the employees?

Whatever, I'll just use the stairs.

"One ...two....three...and done." I exclaim once I reach the 5th floor, my legs wobbling a little.

I'm so effing tired.

I walk to my right, seeing a huge box written packages and I do a little victory dance.

We made it.

I look around in suspicion when I spot no one on this whole floor, the quietness somehow scary.

Walking further, my footsteps echoing in the empty hall, I spot a wooden door at the far end of the hallway and I slowly walk towards it.

I scrunch my face when I inhale some dust and I cough, lightly covering my mouth.

When was the last time this hallway was cleaned.

I press my ear to the wooden door, the only door on this whole floor apparently to see of I can hear anything but it's still quiet.

Should I open it? But what if Evil Annabelle is in there waiting to demonize me...goodness, God forbid.

Slowly opening the wooden door, my eyes widen when I find a neatly arranged office with an office table just next to the window, some stacked shelves containing books at the far corner and a black couch aligned next to it.

Oh wow, I like simple.

No you don't, your small apartment is literally so cramped with many unnecessary furniture.

Closing the door behind me, I walk to the couch and I giggle when it bounces like a bouncy bed.

It's so cold in here, it seems like the owner hasn't been here for some time.

What if I just take a small nap on this bouncy couch.

No Fleur, what if the owner comes and murders you while sleeping.

It's just a nap which will probably last 15 minutes, plus I'm not a heavy sleeper so I'll most likely hear someone approaching and I'll quickly hide.

But naps can get you into trouble.

Something I learnt long ago when I decided to take a small nap in the library last year and imagine my surprise when i woke was woken up in the middle of the night by police officers

... let's just say I spent one night in jail because they thought that i was a thief who broke in at night.

And I had sworn off naps ever since that day.

But I'm too tired, a short nap won't hurt no one.

And I don't think I can cycle back to my workplace considering how tired my legs are feeling.

I sigh in relief when my whole body finally hits the couch while I lay sideways and I groan in pleasure.

So comfy.

Removing my sandals, I situate my whole body on the couch and close my eyes while curling myself to get some warmth in this cold office.

If only I was as strong as the hulk, I would steal this whole couch and take it to my apartment.

I groan in displeasure when a fly flies above me and I open my eyes to glare at it.

Christ, these tiny annoying insects are mood killers for real.

Shooing it away, I sigh in relief when the fly finally leaves me alone in peace and I close my eyes again.

Goodness, I hate flies.

I feel myself slowly drifting to sleep as the quiet eerie office lulls me and with that I'm sucked into temporary napland.

What a dumb stupid decision I just made.

Thank you for reading  🥺


Fleur, well.... R.I.P girl.

FleurМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя