Chapter Twenty - Fire and Ice - ✓

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"Beware the fury of a patient man."


Chapter Twenty - Rose's point of view

New York City


"I'm dreaming," I thought to myself wearily. This past year was all a dream. My family's actually alive. I'm not in love with a guy named Ziggy and tomorrow I'll wake up and go to school and do midterms.

"Five minutes, Ma, then I'll go to school," I mumbled aloud.

Instead of my mom's loving voice replying "Okay." I heard a man's deep voice cackle.

"Mommy's dead, flower girl," he laughed.

I shot up straight and tried to find the bastard. I realized I was on a table with restraints. A light was shining on me and black all around me. I looked into pitch blackness and saw a built man walk forward into the light shining on me.

His eyes were deep blue and filled with fire and hatred. He was five days late for shaving and needed sleep.

"My name is unimportant. But yours is important. Do you know why?" he dared ask.

"No," I said staring at him. Actually more like glaring. After all the shit I went through I had developed a perfect glare. It made people scared on sight. I scared everyone when I got angry. But this guy didn't even flinch. I think I met my match. Only, under terrible circumstances. I was chained. He had the advantage.

"How awful. Being kept in the dark. You must hate it yet I live in it," he stated. He raised his eyebrows and let out a chuckle.

"You're forgetting who I am. I've spent the last year in the dark. I may even call it my friend," I challenged, not breaking our eye contact.

He laughed and it made me uncomfortable and not many things do that nowadays. "Yes, Rose," he started. He began to circle around me making me more uncomfortable. "You've spent the last year chasing down your friends. The wonderful Camille was a catch to watch. Her parents were so happy she was back they bought her a new silver Toyota Camry. Lovely choice, though I miss the Honda. Her room is still in the same shape though. The new boy band posters are a lovely touch. And poor Ice, as you'd call her. Rocky looks lovely as an icicle, don't you think? Oh and now let's talk about you," he sneered the word you into my neck. Breathing down on me, he continued. "You living with him was wonderful and the sex scene was a great watch, though, I don't think he loves you or one of his so-called contacts would have reached you. I'm not terrible, am I? Though I would have loved to be the one to shoot him. George missed and that's why he's alive. Too bad I was on," he paused and then into my ear he whispered, "business or he would be... gone."

I was seething at the mention of Camille and balling my fists at the mention of Rocky. Now I screamed with all my might and tried to escape the locks that were on me. All the while the demon was laughing away, like this was enjoyable. This is the reaction he wanted. He only underestimates me.

I pulled the last trick I had up my sleeve. The last secret that no one knew I had.

"You know, Dimitry, I would expect more from you. But then again, you're a failure to your mom. And now she's dead and you? You only kill to make yourself feel better about yourself. No wonder your mom thought of you as a failure. You probably can't even get a date. No wonder you loved Ziggy and I's sex scene," I stated, eyebrows raised daring him to hit me. "And I know Ziggy loves me."

He said nothing but I saw the gleam in his eyes. I had hit home.

"You think you know me?!" he roared. "You have no idea!"

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