Chapter Fourteen - A Porsche and a Surprise - ✓

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"Over time, we commit acts with intentions, either good or bad, that require forgiveness."


Chapter Fourteen - Rose's point of view



Once Camille and I arrived at Cleveland I realized how stupid I was. Then again I made an impulsive decision. Why must I be so impulsive? I could have had her drain her bank account and I could have paid with 'Courtney Cox's' money. Can I hear an applause for thinking things through? Oh well. I had her get the rest of the money at the airport atm. Fox and Flame take Manhattan with three thousand dollars. That was all her college money but for now it's out of question. She was adamant about joining me. Was she making the right choice?

Once we were out of the airport we hitchhiked to downtown. It was beautiful and cold. Snow started to fall and I knew this would be the harshest winter I've been through. I thanked the nice woman that gave us a ride and we walked to a car dealership. I began looking around and Camille looked at me nervously.

"Um, Rose," she started

"Fox," I corrected, "and yes?"

"Are you going to steal a car?" she whispered. Way to jump to conclusions. Unfortunately, she was right. I was about to steal a car.

"Shhhh. Don't talk so loud! And yes, it's the only way."

With that I saw a nice '09 red Porsche on the outskirts of the dealership. I smiled. I walked over and started patting the car. Yeah, she's mine. I hate how I turned into such a bad person but life got in the way of my nice guy attitude. Sarcasm and hatred are my friends. Happiness and Joy walked out on me the minute I learned that my family, my WHOLE family, was gone. I snapped out of my trance and saw the dealer grab the car keys and walked over.

"Test drive?" he asked. Poor guy... so naïve.

"Yes, sir!" I cheerily replied. Camille gave a small smile that I know was forced. She climbed in the back while I got in the driver's seat. I noticed the guy's nametag read Jessie. Just like Ziggy's real name...

Again, I snapped back into reality and began to drive off.

"Careful," Jessie warned, "let's just go downtown, turn around, and come back."

"Don't worry," I said, "this is all under control."

When I looked over, Jessie looked uncomfortable. Once I turned down off the main road and on to a dirt road, I pulled off on the side of the road and told Jessie to get out. Straight and to the point.

"What?" he asked dumbfounded.

"I said... get out," I replied, not missing a beat.

"That's illegal. There's ways to track you," he said, pulling straws.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm a part of a gang so I think I know more than you think I know," I said, smiling. Okay so I stretched the truth but whatever. I confused him and he looked really bad. I was getting to him.

Jessie looked nervous. "I'm not getting out."

Suddenly I grabbed down towards my ankle my eyes not leaving him, however. I pulled out a small pocket knife that I bought in a corner store while Camille was using the restroom. Now both Camille and Jessie were extremely nervous. I forgot to mention the knife to Camille. She'll need to learn to trust me.

"Get out before I force you," I said slowly, trying to make him comprehend. Suddenly a guy with blonde hair and a snapback came bursting through the trees. I smiled to myself. If only Flame knew how imperative this moment in time was.

I rolled down the window and whistled to him.

"Hey, Crow," I started, smiling wider now, "get him out of here."

I gestured to Jessie now in sheer panic and terror in his eyes. Crow came over and opened the door for the shaking young man, who would probably get fired once he got back to the store. Jessie crawled out and sat down, watching us intently. Crow then began his work on disabling the tracking. I saw Camille sitting quietly in the back. She had many questions in her eyes but I saw her check out Crow. Yeah, I met a couple of cute guys in the process of becoming a street girl. I snapped her out of her trance.

"Flame you know I'd never kill anybody," I began, "it was just to scare him."

She merely nodded. I sighed. "Crow, this is Flame. Flame, meet Crow."

Crow turned around and smiled at Flame. She kinda smiled back. I don't agree with street relationships, by the way. Crow turned and finished working. Once he was down he got out of the car and walked over to Jessie. I saw him say a few words to him and I took this time to say a few private things to Camille.

 "Use the name Flame from now on as there are no names in the street. I'm Fox, remember that. Crow is a leader of a pretty big gang in the DUMBO. He's also Ziggy's best friend. I'll explain everything later but he's coming back so just call me Fox," I told her. Crow got in the driver's seat and began backing out with a poor car dealer sitting on the side of the road, shocked.

 "So, Fox," Crow started, smirking, "you came back."

"Yeah, just get driving, bud," was my reply.

"So, where did she come from?" Crow said, signaling to Flame. Getting right to the point there, Crow.

"She's my best friend. When I went to Florida I was caught almost. I broke into my own house, how stupid, and a cop knew I was there. I lost my locket," I growled and then continued, "I got really good papers though. I have notes from my grandfather to my father. They're pretty detailed. He explained that he was in a 'bad business' which I assume is drugs and that he ran away. He warned us that something might happen. He, uh, left a key as well. I'm guessing it's the key to the box we keep hearing about on the streets," I informed Crow.

"Wow. That's a lot to process," Crow replied. I never knew he could drive so well.

"Yeah and she's dragging me along with her now," Flame said. This is why I loved her so much. She made jokes and the best of every situation she was in.

I smiled. "Yes, we're partners in crime. I've stolen two cars now, officially."

"You're one hell of a badass, Fox," Crow remarked.

"Mmm, now keep driving. I wanna get there by nightfall," I told him.

He stepped on it and here we are, homeless streeters of Manhattan driving a brand new Porsche. I wonder what Ziggy thinks of all this. I know Crow told him something, but how much? I never told Crow where I went till now but I'm pretty sure he assumed I was going to Florida. He also probably thought it was just gonna be me. Nope, this time I carried extra baggage. I brought the perfect partner. I couldn't be happier with my decision to bring Ms. Flame.

At around eight thirty we arrived at the DUMBO. Flame looked at everyone in awe. Tonight's the night that we get together and have a bonfire. There were about a hundred people gathered around Crow. I didn't see Ziggy anywhere. Heck, he probably hated me. I took Flame and we sat next to Crow. I saw Rocky and a bunch of others I've come to know pretty well.

I looked over to Crow last who looked extremely uncomfortable. I asked him what was wrong. He shrugged. I then followed his eyesight to Ziggy sitting on the opposite side with Rebecca. What? When did that happen? That relationship is a load of bull. He then saw me and his eyes flashed. He was either mad or surprised. I took my chances with mad. He obviously went back to Rebecca. Stop it, Fox. What about your family? I will never forget my mission. This is nothing compared to what I'm dealing with.

I smirked, pushed my hair back into its quiff, and began singing along to Crow's voice. Flame looked over and smiled and began singing. For once, I think I saw her look happy since we decided to leave. I warned her and now it's almost like she knows there is more to people who live on the streets than shootings, stealing and drugs. As both of us were singing along I smiled to myself. 'Welcome home, Fox,' I said to myself. 

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