Chapter Eighteen - Truths - ✓

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"Finding out the truth is only half of it. It's what you do with it that matters."


Chapter Eighteen - Roses's point of view

Los Angeles


"If you're prepared for the truth, I'm going to tell you. When I'm done, I'm gone. You'll never find me again, is that understood?" Brandon asked me.

"Yes," was my simple reply. 

"Your grandfather was an orphan at six. Someone broke into their house and shot them, forgetting you were upstairs in bed. Rick was a heavy sleeper and never woke until the police found him. The image of his parents, dead with blood around them, never left Rick's brain. He began acting out in orphanages until finally the government didn't know what to do. He tried killing a boy who took the bathroom for three extra minutes, cutting into his time. Rick was becoming psychotic. He broke out of Steven's Orphange and found me. I was a rich boy who wanted to see the true world. Ignorance wasn't bliss. If I could go back in time and unmeet your grandpa, Rose, no matter how screwed he was, I would walk away. That's how bad life with him got."

I tried to keep a calm face and compose myself. I never knew grandpa was an orphan, much less because of murder.

"When your grandfather and I were only twenty, we got involved in drug trafficing. We got in with the baddest crowd and we thought we were so badass being with them. We'd beat guys senseless for a dime. We'd rape girls because anyone with any sense didn't want to date us. We were true thugs. RIcky and I were out clubbing one night when a group of older guys approached us asking for a favor and if we finished it on time, well, we could be one of them. I looked at Ricky and his eyes were hopeful. We took the assignment, but there were rules. Never open a package. We did this for a couple months before we really wanted to know what the hell we were doing."

I reached over and grabbed Ziggy's hand.

"When we opened it we found coke and mary jane. Along with it, this time, was a Glock 17, fully loaded, and a couple thousand in cash. To say we were surprised was an understatement. We sealed it up and never opened another so we had the benefit of the doubt if the cops found out. Only later to find out a cop was taking this stuff. It was hard but after a year of working we were "promoted"," Brandon air quoted the word promoted.

"We were now in the inner circle with nicknames and everything. I was Match and he was Dynamite. We were a pair and we did some of the cruelest and most horrific things during this time. I remember this poor old man..." I saw him physically shudder in memory.

"We needed money so bad and your grandfather sliced this old man's throat. He had a two year old granddaughter and... and... we destoryed so many peoples lives and for what? Ten bucks? I wanted to quit after that but they didn't let me. Rick never saw the light. I ran away and came here. I've been hiding for thirty years almost." Brandon stopped and wiped tears from his eyes. I was in complete and mortal shock.

"I kept up with old stories. Ricky eventually took over and became the drug lord of New York. I don't wanna know the things he did for that title. He seemed for forget me. I went back after ten years of hiding and watched from a distance. I saw him ship tons of illegal substances everywhere and he had cops in it. Dirty cops and coke was his life. Killing men left and right because they didn't clean his desk properly. Raping  woman and leaving them as trash in dirty hotel rooms when he could afford every room in every single hotel. I was so disgusted with my best friend. What had he become. I was so convinced he was the devil on Earth until he met Selena. Selena was a college student. Straight A's and not a single bad bone in her body. She met Rick on the one night out that her friends made her go to. I felt so bad for her. Ricky blew her away with such a fake smile and personality. I could see her falling for him."

I looked over ro Ziggy and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"When they started dating I highly disapproved. But this Selena surprised me like never before. Rick stopped drinking and start slacking on work. He started hiding papers and became a better person but not in time for half of the country to already hate him. He was wanted and he packed everything in a box and took the key. No one's found the key or the box. He ran with Selena and by this time people were hunting him down. I tracked him to Colorado where he hid in mountain slopes and Serena and him had a child together- your father."

By this time I started crying. And I had the key to that box. I had half of the puzzle.

"He was so goddamn proud of your father. Never hit him or anything. He grew up, found your mom, and moved to Florida. It was the best decision your father ever made. Shortly after, Bull found him. Bull was a multi-millionare that Rick conned. Damn Rick and his cons. Bull himself appeared on their doorstep, gun in hand. Selena never found out about your fathers past and it came to haunt them. Selena paniced and called for Rick and that was cause enough for Bull to shoot through the door. Selena never made it. When Rick saw Selena there he knew that his past caught up with him. All the bloodshed on his hands, the drug problems with him causing them, the pain and suffering from being an orphan at six year old caught to him and he broke. He opened the door and fought Bull to the death. Richard never knew if winning that fight was a blessing or a curse because he lived quite longer after that."

I didn't want to hear anymore. I shouldn't have come.

"I stopped following him because I wasn't going to leave my past behind. I couldn't just drop such a life. I had messed up and, for me, I got a second chance. Richard? He could keep his shoes on his feet after Selena died. He went to New York and no one recognized him. I didn't see him since he took the bus to Boston. I suppose he eventually died off. No one knows what happened to him but I've said far too much. Rose, you don't know what or who your getting involved with. The man I was thirty years ago would kill you for even looking at me. Don't underestimate these people. You may want a gun too. Your name's out there. Someone wants you dead. And when theres a hit on Dynamite's granddaughter, there's a million dolllar prize. Every blood cell in your body is worth a thousand dollars. Whatever you do, be careful because from this point on, your not safe anywhere."

My mouth was gaped open.

"Ziggy, I hear is your name, protect her. Flame, be the best damn friend you can be to Fox. If your not willing to die for her, get up and walk out."

Everyone waited for Flame to get up but she didn't.

"That act was your oath to saving Fox, no matter the consequences. Your blood is her blood. Remember that. Crow, you become the leader with Ziggy. You are family and when the time comes, you may seperate but after telling you this, my life is complete. I tend on making ammends in New York to the families I have ruined. Be careful, Rose, because-"

Brandon didn't finish because he grabbed his chest in agony. I looked to the right to see a group of guys with guns pointed at us. I looked back to a dead Brandon, finally swearing his oath to making things rights. I swallowed and stood up tall and proud. 

"Rose, you're beautiful. The effort to compose yourself was impressive but a failure nonetheless. You see, Brandon was an old friend though I'd rather him be dead," he chuckled such an evil laugh I wanted to bolt becuse my skin was crawling with terror. "Looks like my birthday wish came true. However any family of Dynamite's doesn't have a nice bone in her body and I knew better than to let you run off and try to get revenge. You have no idea who your dealing with," the guy sneered. All I saw were the gates of Hell in his eyes. 

I tapped Ziggy's hand three times. I looked to Flame and Crow. I mentally counted to three.




We bolted as fast as we could in different directions. I ran for my life and I planned on meeting everyone at the car and we'd get out of LA ASAP. Gasping, I saw Crow and Flame by the car making sure the baby was okay. I looked for Ziggy frantically but didn't dare call out his name and bring attention. The weight of the world was literally lifted off my shoulders when I saw Ziggy coming towards me through the brush. The world then crushed me again when I heard a gunshot and saw Ziggy collapse onto the ground right in front of my eyes. 

Disappearance (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant