"You want a good couch then go somewhere else," I said, sitting next to him. "Ok, so there could be something but it isn't clear what. Should we investigate or wait?"

"Waiting is boring, investigating is where the thrill and action is." he said, rubbing his hands together.

"Thrill seeker? Never thought you'd be one." I said, looking away. I was one too, and it was obvious after all the screams of joy whenever I was on a carnival ride and it was getting scary.

"They're fun. You think Alec's pissed because we left with f - " He was cut off.

"Yeah, he is. Start trying to be nicer, please." I said. "Feelings?"

"Not talking," he hissed. "Not until you stop being so stubborn."

"I am not!" I yelled.

"See? You're defending it now and won't admit it!" he yelled back.

"You're the one that can't talk about his feelings!"

"I don't want too!"

There was the sound of a door creaking open, and turning my head showed mom walking in, grocery bags in hand. I rushed over to take them into the kitchen and to start putting everything away, but she stopped me.

"Do you know how loud you two are? I could hear you before I pulled in the driveway, and you sound like an old married couple." she said, looking at us. "Did I say he could come over?"

"No, but you weren't home and it's not like we were doing anything, so there's no harm." I said, trying to ignore Roy on the couch, probably laughing inside.

"Ok, yeah, but where's your sister?"

"Park with her boyfriend." I lied, and them cussed myself mentally.

"So you two made up?" she asked, not believing a word I said.

"Yeah, it was a big misunderstanding and she's fine. Other people are around and they can't do anything." I said.

Telling her that we made up and Alec was her boyfriend were bad enough, not to mention the fact that her daughter and adoptive daughter were werewolves. I still felt horrible lying to her and was tempted to at least make subtle hints to it. It only counted if someone came out and told, right? So subtle mentions and her figuring it out didn't count.

"Fine, but he has to be home by five. Got it?"

"Yeah," I said, grabbing the grocery bags.

She went to her room and locked the door, either for some peace and quiet or for some good sleep for whatever she had planned tonight. Pushing the thought of lying to her out of me head, I carried the bags into kitchen. Roy had followed me into the kitchen and began to hand me things to put away in silence. I was afraid to break the silence, after what was just said, but decided to anyway.

"You don't have to help you know." I said, grabbing some boxes of crackers.

"I want to, it beats sitting and doing nothing," he said, throwing the plastic bags in the garbage. "And it does count sadly."

Trying to keep the shocked look off my face, I tried to pretend to not know what he was talking about. But opening my mouth to talk to him betrayed me.

"How does it count?"

"Hinting is trying to tell with subtle clues. It counts." he said.

"Come on, it worked in New Moon! Why can't it apply here?" I whined.

He gave me an incredulous look before shaking his head, messing his onyx black hair up in the process. I still wanted to hack some of it off for fun.

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