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Day 8.1


A baby.

I stood up as I watch a little baby girl crying so loud inside a crib next to our bed. She instantly stopped crying when her puppy eyes met mine, gaze were like Haein's, and then she goes sucking her thumb, her brown eyes continued to peer on me. I was about to pick her up when an arm snaked around my waist, head nuzzling against my neck. I cannot see his face, but I know exactly who he is without even looking.

"Go back to bed. I'll take care of her."

I crawled back under the sheets as I watch him dance in his feet, making our baby fall to sleep. It was just his back I am seeing, and the baby's head rested on his broad shoulder, eyes slowly closing.

Few minutes and he laid her back to the crib, now peacefully sleeping. He settled himself beside me hugging me close, only then I decided to go back to sleep.

"Goodnight Honey." He mumbled.

It was like a picture perfect scene of a family, only if that forbidden word was not mentioned.

Honey... like a warning.



It was like another foreshadowing.

A warm hand swiping my belly wake me up from my deep slumber. I tilted sideways to check if he was awake, only to see him still sleeping soundly. I was thinking if my tummy growled earlier, and if he tamed it by softly caressing it.

The small gap between the blackout curtains screams its already late morning since the sun is high up, bright lights seeping in between them. The clock confirmed it, quarter past eight. The store opening will be later at 12PM, and will cater customer inquiries until dinner. We still have few hours to kill at home since there's another chef filling up for him later. The police force was really serious about this whole undercover thing with all the preparations just to lure the murderer, probably its the assemblyman's pressure or connection again.

I cautiously turned around, me silently watching him and I can't help but smile...

I am trying to assess my feelings for him especially after his indirect confession last night. Definitely its not just physical attraction. It was more than just like and companionship. And I don't want to put an exact word of what we currently are right now. Last night we confirmed that after this mission, we are seeing ourselves still within each others lives.

My lips curved again as I realized things weren't the same as our first and second time. This time, I woke up lying next to him. He didn't let me alone in bed.

He groaned lowly when I touched the tip of his nose, his loving brown eyes welcomed me warmly when they slowly opened, that same pair of eyes that belongs to the baby girl in my dreams. He didn't utter any words, just his hand slipping at the back of my head, a forehead kiss greeted me good morning. He's still lying flat in his stomach and I moved inch closer, our noses touching.

"Its a miracle I saw you in bed instead down the kitchen." I remarked, responding his peck with a light kiss.

"Really happy to see me the moment you wake up?"

"I might burn the kitchen again if I found the bed empty this morning." I replied in a serious tone.

He stilled momentarily, most likely processing if I intentionally burned the kitchen because I was jealous. I flicked his forehead when he didn't move.

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