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He was whistling, humming, almost singing the moment I climbed in the car all the way to the police station..

He was such in a good mood.

I found him standing in front of my house exactly forty minutes after he left, fresh from grave as if he was not bleeding and no one stabbed him last night. But unlike the previous two weeks he seemed to be attending funerals with his alternate black and white shirt, I realized there's a different color inside his closet. The white shirt was a constant, but it was topped by a navy blue denim jacket, paired with another navy blue denim jeans. Sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a silver watch accentuating his lean and veiny arms. If I wasn't expecting to be working today, I was thinking he's planning to ambush me for another date.

He was a little extra today greeting the front lobby with his sweetest good mornings even to the female officers, I can't help but sigh out of instant annoyance.

But wait, not until the elevator closes, his mood changed like a Spotify song in a shuffle, from a happy and upbeat tone to a totally bad tempo.

A hand quickly slid in between the closing lift, the sensor making the door open instantly, Jules, our forensic specialist popped in, a transparent bag of freshly cooked sweet potatoes on one hand, and a coffee to another. The sight of the sweet potatoes and the aroma of the coffee spread inside the enclosed space of the elevator like a wildfire make my stomach rumbled despite a heavy breakfast.

"Good morning Kim." He greeted me enthusiastically and I could see Jung's brows leaped from above his eyes to the mid of his forehead. "I was meaning to see you."

The elevator opened at 4th and few people came in, but to my surprise, Jung stepped closer to my side, and I had to look twice to check if there was someone standing beside him that I did not see that made him scoot closer.


His arms were crossed across his chest, looking straight at front.

"Oh by the way, the data you requested was quite a pain in the neck since its three years worth of information, I was about to push back the deadline, but since you requested it, I tried hard to meet the one you gave me." Jules said proudly to me. "I will---

"That's merely your job." Jung strike icily, him locking my words inside my tongue when he took a swipe on Jules. "Our jobs are all pain in the neck by the way, not just yours." His voice was as cold as the winds of Northern Hemisphere.

Jules frowned, giving me a who-the-hell-is-he look.

"I'll pass by the forensics department later, Jules." I told him, just to cut a possible war between them, especially with Jung's stoic face.

"Oh, this is for you by the way" He said again seem to be ignoring Jung's presence, handing me the bag of the sweet potatoes. I could hear Jung scowled uttering words I failed to catch. He cleared his throat, as if he was waiting for me to do something.

Ow, maybe introduce him?

Which I did.

"By the way, this is Haein Jung, the newest member of the Crimes Division. He's the ones leading us in the case, the guy from Seoul." Jung threw me a sharp look as if I introduced him the wrong way.

I then introduce Jules to him as our forensic specialist.

"Inspector Jules, forensic wiz of Jeju." He casually said as he offered his hand to Jung, boasting his codename as he was regarded to inside the police station.

Jung stared at his hand as if he wanted to chop it.

"Haein Jung, Kimmy's....

I am not sure why he paused in the middle, or even dropped his title, only to be surprised.

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