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I kicked four balls tonight. That's record breaking.

And the last one was definitely the most satisfying one.

I cannot believe I will be encountering two sets of men tonight which made my blood boil in different levels I could ever imagine. A group of sleazebags, and a walking lawbook preaching me about jaywalking.

Such an unfortunate night.

I just wanted to loosen up and relax a bit today before we meet our temporary head while Seung-jo is focusing on a drug case. But it was all nothing but disastrous.

Well the last guy shouldn't be included at least for the ball kicking feast. I took a quick glance at him inside the bar earlier and I am positive he looked hot and handsome and honestly he had helped me against those dumbass but the moment he opened his mouth and lectured me about the law, my "slight" amusement of him surely evolved to instant annoyance. I was almost sexually assaulted, but he was more concerned of me violating a law than my well being. That qualifies him on a different level of sleazebag.

And how dare him lie to me about being a police officer. I, at least knew most of the police officers here in Jeju, and he is surely not on those list.

I stopped by at the nearest convenience store, picking up few bottles of Soju. Maybe I should continue my celebration alone at home.

Getting drunk alone in my apartment was not even part of the plan.

I came to my apartment in no time, and went straight to my room. I felt bad my all black fashionable on the go outfit was put into waste.

I placed the bottles of Soju and few bags of chips on top of my office table, and unhide my make shift board, still containing the clips I collected about the three murder cases I am investigating. My fingers made a hard press on my forehead as I stare at it.

Dead end.

We were not making any progress, and it's driving me even mad, thinking my knowledge about it would somehow bring or shed some light about the serial killing.

I mixed the lime juice and the Soju I bought and gulped them in one straight. My desire to resolve the case badly grew as each day passed.

I shut my eyes momentarily, letting the heat of alcohol trace my throat. Then the face of the man who helped me earlier flashed on my mind.

Good looking yet annoying.

I hope our paths won't crossed again, given I kicked him on the balls and gave him a giggling, fucking, satisfying middle finger.

Another quick scan on the board in front of me, thinking what could have been the details we probably missed, none sink in on my head. Maybe they were right, we need a fresh pair of eye to look over the case to see anything that we could have probably left out.

I lazily crawled to bed after I downed 2 bottles of Soju, making me a little bit tipsy already. I did not bother to change to my sleeping clothes.

Tomorrow's gonna be another day, probably a better one.

Or probably not.


I woke up early, feeling exhilarated knowing that a new member will join our team, a veteran of crimes division to be exact....

Senior Inspector Haein Jung.

I stayed under the shower longer than usual to wipe out my mini hangover caused by the Soju i drank last night. I ransacked my closet after the long shower, looking for a decent clothes to slip in.

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