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And our paths really crossed again, the irony, that lawbreaking chic is indeed a police officer, and to be more specific, a member of the crimes division I am going to handle.

She stormed out of the room to get her working laptop, and just few seconds away, my phone rang. It was my sister Eugene.

"How was your first day Haein?" I could hear her busy background from my phone.

"Annoying." I lazily answered.

"You of all people Haein? I did not expect 'annoying' as your answer on your first day of work. What happened?" Her amused voice echoed on the other line.

"I helped a woman last night only to be welcomed by a flying kick on the balls, and to make things spicier, she just freaking did jaywalking in front of me and guess what there's more, she's under my team. A Crimes division officer."

I regretted that I confided with Eugene. Because I could hear several voices chuckling on the other line.

"So you mean a woman is pissing you off."

I just sighed.

"Yeah, a very annoying female specie to be exact."

I could hear them laughing at me.

"Do you really have to put me on speakers Gene?" Mingue answered for my sister.

"I miss you Bro, introduce me to your new partner one of these days, I have to give him a lot of unsolicited advise."

"Her." I corrected.

"So she's your buddy too?" It was Eugene.

I don't know why I keep on sighing heavily. "Unfortunately, she is my partner."

The door opened hastily, and my gaze were fixated on it, Kim standing on the doorway holding her working laptop. Her brows were creased into tenth folds.

"Jang said another team will use this room, where should we go?"

I returned my attention to the call. "I have to go Gene. Bye."

"What is it again?" I asked.

"Flirting while on office hours." Her voice was low as if talking to herself, but enough for me to hear. 

And now she's accusing me of flirting. That was my sister on the other line.

"Look Kim, I am not---"

"You don't need to explain to me your personal calls Sir. Shall we start or what?" She asked impatiently. I need to take one more heavy sigh not to fight with her.

"Basically I am also using a cubicle like you so that's not a commendable place. Any suggestions?"

She smirked.

"Follow me."


We ended at one of those small contained meeting rooms of the police station. We sat next to each other as she started briefing me.

"Three double murder cases, most likely you were already aware of."

She explained the details of the first, second and the last case to me, the complete details they had gathered from evidences, autopsy reports, interviews, possible clues for suspects, all the basic investigation process. And they were on dead end. None of it lead them for any possibility of getting a progress on the report.

"Did the station asked for a profiling?"  I asked as I reviewed the pattern of killing.

"Not yet. But I have raised that to Jang."

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