"What, you mean this necklace?" He asks letting go of my hand only to dangle the art made of diamond in front of me and immediately the smile is back on my face. Pushing my hair back Jimin clasps the necklace over my neck once more and admires it, and then his hand is back on my face caressing my cheek before he pulls me in for a kiss.

I let myself fall into him as his hand goes over my waist squeezing me close while our lips move in a familiar tandem that I've come to miss. I smile into the kiss and he nips at my bottom lip as he pulls away and rests his forehead against mine.

"I've missed you." Jimin whispers his nose gliding against mine in a loving manner and I sigh against him.

"I've missed you too." I confess and behind me, Rex barks stroking a laugh out of me. "I missed you more Rex." I say pulling away from Jimin to go back to Rex.

"Every time." Jimin whispers in disbelief with a shake of his head and Rex and I simply stare at him innocently.

"How'd you find me?" I ask after a moment of silence passes between us and Jimin moves me to the bench I was seated on before taking the empty space next to me.

"I've known where you were for a long time, I just figured I'd let you come to me." He explains.

"But you didn't." I fire back wrinkling my nose at him.

"You have a habit of lingering and procrastinating." He says as if it annoys him but we both know that he loves my little quirks.

"I was getting bored anyways." I say with a shrug.

"I could tell, you stole that from a couple in a restaurant." He says his voice half filled with confusion and just total disbelief.

"I'm sure you think that that proves a point, but it doesn't." I tell him to which he chuckles with a shake of his head. "Since we're already here, why don't we have some fun before we go home?" I plead with my most charming smile which is not even necessary because Jimin will always do what I tell him and when he stands taking my hand in his that right there proves my point.

"Why not? Let's go wreck a little chaos." He says with a grin and with Rex's leash in my hand we head off to have a little fun.


The New Generation is an interesting set of children, myself included since I was also born within the generation. There's also Pride Generation which represents the LGBTQ community, we're obviously slowly diving ourselves into factions but that's not the worst thing that could happen to mankind.

You'd think that in the year 2092 children of our generation would be into things like skyscrapers, tower glass buildings, and the likes but no, we had a more rundown approach to life. Abandoned warehouses.

Instead of houses, abandoned warehouses have slowly become the norm for kids our age and let me tell you something these places really bring out the art in people because it's no easy feat to turn an abandoned warehouse into a home. But I guess that's what we love about it, the hard work that goes into leaving a footprint on something that was once forgotten and then brought back to life.

That's what made it more worthwhile and standing inside my own home that took us years to perfect was just the best feeling in the world.

"Where's everyone?" I ask climbing up the stairs to our room with Jimin behind me, Rex had already gone to his own corner of the house.

"Down at the club, no one knows you're here yet." He answers just as we get into the open floor of our bedroom and I sigh in relief. My boots are first to go as I kick them off my feet and flop onto the soft mattress of our bed. Jimin is just a few steps behind me, I hear the click of his phone as he finally stops texting whoever he was talking to and toes off his boots.

He walks over to our walk-in closet and returns with one of his hoodies in hand, my favorite, and hands it to me.

"Get out of those clothes." He says jutting a chin down at my shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

"If you wanted me naked, all you had to do was ask." I tease and he lowers himself onto the bed so he's hovering over me.

"If I wanted you naked, I'd rip your clothes off myself." He counters, so I close the space between us so we're kissing. What was supposed to be a simple kiss quickly turned into something else and now Jimin was laying his full weight on me while he kissed me like a starving man. When I pulled away a little his eyes sparkled, and I smirked.

"Are you going to take them off or do you still need my permission?" I asked clearly egging him on, but Jimin was never one to shy away from a confrontation and in the next second my shirt was ripped open from the top exposing my breasts to him. I had nothing underneath the shirt and as my chest heaved up and down from my shallow breaths Jimin's head tilted zeroing in on the movement.

The complete and utter fascination on his face turned me on even more and when his head lowered, and his lips closed over one of my nipples it was the most exhilarating feeling. I felt as if I had been stuck underwater and was finally able to come up for air. His tongue swirled, lapped, and bit at my nipple as his hand tried to show the same affection on the other one and all I could do was latch onto him like a lifeline.

Jimin released my nipple with a pop and then sat up so he was kneeling over me, with one swift move his shirt was over his head and across the room on the floor. Maneuvering around until he had enough space he popped the buttons on my shorts and then slid the material over my legs along with my panties so I was naked in front of him.

I watch him walk to the other side of the bed and pick up my torn shirt, then he moved me to the center of the bed and once he was sure that I was comfortable, he used to torn shirt to tie my hands together so I couldn't move them even if I wanted to. When he was done, he got back on the bed and crawled his way over to me, and smiled.

"Let's see how loud I can make you scream for me." He said and that sparkle in his eyes let me know that he wasn't going to stop until I submitted for him. His smile grew as he went down on me and all I could do was let go and scream.


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