Dear Diary

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February 2nd, 7:42 AM

Dear Diary,
The ritual went well. I've never done anything like this, but I'm feeling pretty good about it, for my first time. Nothing really to report, honestly. Once everything was done last night, I was barely able to sleep, but I eventually drifted off. I just woke up an hour ago, and I don't feel any different. I meant to ask it how long it would take to take hold, but I was so excited that I completely forgot. I'm about to head to work, and I get off at six, but if anything changes, I'll let you know. If not, I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning.

February 3rd, 7:13 AM

Dear Diary,
Yesterday felt like a normal day. Nothing happened or changed. When I woke up this morning, I swear my arms felt weird, but I'm not sure. It's like...I can't tell if they feel heavier or lighter, but I have this weird tingling sensation, It's hard to explain. It never told me how to use what it gave me. It just said "let it grow" so I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. We'll see what happens, and of course, I'll keep you updated.

February 3rd, 4:26 PM

Dear Diary,
I had to leave work a bit early today. About halfway through my shift, I started feeling nauseous and sweaty and Carol, my manager, let me leave. If I still feel like this tomorrow, I'm not coming in. I feel very

Sorry, I just went to the bathroom. I had to vomit, but it was weird. It was this black gooey stuff, I've never seen that before. Could it be related to the ritual? Fuck, my head is spinning. I'm going to go lay down.

February 4th, 10:19 AM

Dear Diary,
I woke up covered in that black stuff, like it was coming out of me in my sleep. It smells like fart or rotten eggs or something, it's disgusting. I still feel terrible, so I called out of work for the rest of the week. I'm going to try to take some medicine and see if that helps. Wish me luck.

February 5th, 1:02 AM

Dear Diary,
It's one in the morning, and I can't sleep. I've been having terrible nightmares the past couple of nights. I keep seeing visions of what looks like Hell. It's a very large, deep cave with lava pooled at the bottom. The whole place has a weird red fog, and there are people in the lava, screaming and on fire. It didn't feel like a regular dream, Diary. It felt like I was actually there. I could feel the heat on my skin, the rock beneath my feet. It was horrifying. I'm going to try to get some sleep, but I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get.

February 5th, 12:51 PM

Dear Diary,
I just woke up, which is weird for me. I've always been a morning person, but maybe it's because I had so much trouble sleeping last night. I feel a little better with my sickness, but not all the way yet. The weird sensation in my arms has gotten a lot worse, though. Should I try the ritual again? I have some questions.

February 5th, 11:19 PM

Dear Diary,
The ritual didn't work this time. I did everything the right way, just like I did a few days ago, but it didn't come up out of the circle like before. I sat there for a good two hours or so, and it never showed up. Maybe it's a one time thing, I don't know. I'm not sure what to do now. Are there other ways to contact a demon? I'm going to do some research tonight. It's not like I'll be able to sleep anyway.

February 6th, 9:32 AM

Dear Diary,
I couldn't find anything online about how to summon a specific demon. I might call around and ask some psychics around here if they know how. I don't even know if they talk to demons, but it's worth a shot.

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