Chapter 26: Leaving The Nest

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Watts stood up with a gentleman's bow towards Salem before beginning to walk out of the room...though just before he walked past you...he placed a hand on your shoulder...

Watts: excellent work young Y/ go take our work, and make a difference...

You smiled and nodded at Watts while mouthing thank you to him. He looked up to Salem before speaking with his usual respectful tone.

Watts: I will be in my lab if I am needed further...

He left with his usual calm demeanor...though you could almost feel your Grimm side shouting that he secretly felt good and happy...

Salem then refocused her attention to you before stepping back to better look at you.

Salem: well?- is it comfortable? I know your new Grimm appendages can be a hassel to get used to...

You happily nodded.

Y/N: Yeah!- it's feels weird, but the suit is almost connected to the outer Grimm bone. So it almost feels like an extension of my own body!

You lifter your arm before opening up a section of armor to show Salem what you meant.

Along your right forearm, a smooth blackened Grimm like bone could be seen protruding out of you arm. Though it did not sport the same spike and thorned bone most Grimm posses. This strange ligament was smooth to the touch, and what's more, was the fact that you could actually feel the bone.

And as your armor slowly collapsed back into position, Salem could see how the armor fitted you.

Firstly, the inner layer gently clamped around the outer exoskeleton along your forearm before covering the rest of your arm before sheathing the entire arm within the armored plating.

Salem: interesting...a perfect meld of machine, human, and Grimm...hmm

You lowered your name as you looked over at Salem chuckling quietly.

Salem: you truly are a miracle without know Y/N. It's honestly surprising that you don't realize this more often...

Y/N: he he, yeah, I just don't think of myself that highly!

Salem walked up to you again before ruffling your black hair with a smile before placing a hand on your back.

Salem: well...a promise is a will start your journey to this "hut in the mountains"...but not before I teach you something...

Salem's gaze was warm, yet you couldn't help but feel as if she was about to teach something you wouldn't ever forget or learn immediately.

Y/N: o-oh!- uh, ok!- here!

Retracting and contorting your armor back to it's regular state, all panels of armor and wiring parted ways until opening up to the point you could simply wiggle out. Unlike your original armor that required you to remove and shift every individual plate and gear, this was something of a miracle to you.

Though when Salem had seen this...her smile only grew warmer...

Salem: come along Y/N... it's time you learn how to truly use the Grimm blood...

Salem walked out of the room with you quickly running to follow.

You both traversed the long and quiet hallways until reaching the meeting room you had first felt calm...

Salem walked up to her throne before looking at you with her calm gaze

Salem: do you recognize this room?...

Small flashbacks of when you were first granted the permission to cry and truly rest raided you mind...but you kept face through your aching heart.

Y/N: could I?

Remnants Experiment: A Chained Panda (Experimented Reader X RWBY)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin