Chapter 11

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After a night of talking and introducing each other to the new member, Michael, everyone heads to sleep.

You always take up the first hour of being the night watch since you don't fight as the others do, giving them rest before you can switch.

A yawn escapes your lips as you hold your rifle tight, looking around the area for any hordes of zombies that might come this way.

To your surprise, a woman comes into view, dressed in a dirty white dress and a red hair loop.

You watch her walking around aimlessly, cautiously looking from side to side for any enemies.

You: The fuck is she doing out at this hour?

You mumble, opening the hatch before training your scope around her, looking for any signs of danger.

You wanted to act, to run out and save her but a young girl out at this hour in a fucking apocalypse with seemingly no weapons nor anyone with her.

Just how she survived for this long is an enigma to you.

Then a gunshot rang out.

You quickly duck inside, closing the hatch and staying still.

To your surprise, multiple Marauders in bikes drive past the bus. Thankfully, the lights and the engine are turned off.

The riders encircle the poor girl, who can't do anything but freeze from fear.

You feel a hand on your shoulder.

You quickly look up and see Norton.

The Marauders' motorcycles wake the others as they grab their weapons, ready to fight in case the bus gets spotted.

You: We gotta save her.

You say, trying to stand up, but Norton pulls you back.

Norton: No. There are too many of them. If we engage now, it might risk both our and her life.

You tried to protest, but even Pepper was advising you against the idea, shaking her head as you turned to look at her for support.

Norton: I know she's in great danger in the hands of the Marauders, but if we engage, I can guarantee she will not live.

You start getting a panic attack, feeling your heart beat faster as your breath quickens. Your hands grip tightly at the gun, itching to run out and kill the first Marauder you see.

You glance at the girl, seeing Mark's sister in her place. Her decapitated body haunted you as the image was displayed repeatedly in your head.

You drop the gun on your lap as you clutch your head, gritting your teeth in anger and fear as the haunting laughter of the Marauders and the girl's protest fills your ears.

You cover your ears, your entire body shaking as you try your best to look away and ignore the pained cries for help.

Then it snaps.

You: Fuck it.

You mutter in a hazy breath as you grab the rifle and shove Norton to the side.

Only for Diaz to act and put you in a headlock, restraining you to the floor.

Russel stands up to protest, but Pepper knocks him out instantly.

Pepper: Nobody move.

Pepper: I'm sorry, but this is for your own good.

Pepper says as she stares at you in pity before you're made unconscious by Diaz.

Everyone on the bus watched in fear at what had just happened.

Dead Ahead! (Male Reader Insert)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora