✾ IX : Fall of Syndril - 2 ✾

Start from the beginning

The peace they worshiped turned into a scream of agony. The next week rumors occurred that a strange disease is spreading like fire spreads into a forest. The king ordered everyone to isolate the infected ones and research the cure and root of the plague. But it was unknown and only spread.

At the end half of the population was infected and died so the royal priest suggested to the king that a god is upset towards them. And it was none other than

The goddess of the Moon.

The royal priest said that the Goddess couldn't stand the slaughter for her daughters and is punishing the reckless Kingdom. The king and queen sacrificed hundreds of goats and gave thousands of types of dishes but goddesses had become thick skinned.

They named the plague "Scorching Moon Disease". Just like the name, the symptoms of the plague were the same. It spreads due to physical contact and later they get to know how it occurred. Of course it was because of the Moonlight. First the infected one feel itchy skin and later their own skin would burn. Not even rubbing ice could soothe them.

Who could have thought that The Soothing Moon can also hold its another side?

Side that, that was completely different from what we know. A horrifying side.

It was so painful that even after two months the kingdom was still echoing the sounds of screaming. Some even started to peel off their skin to not feel the burning, they.... Peeled off their skin. They thought that the pain of cutting flesh was better than the burning sensation but not even their skin, even the blood was later like lava, their veins, their muscles.... Every inner part of the body.

It all burned without fire. They all cried with evaporated tears.

Half of the population didn't died because of the disease. They all.... All suicided. The goddess wanted them to suffer, to cry for death. The agony was so intense that the calamity of death seemed like a pleasure yet The goddess didn't even let them die!

Later on the king and queen died because of plague. Not a single soul was left after. The king and queen had to see everyone die in front of their eyes, they wished that they were blind. But still could hear the screams and wishes and they were deaf. But still could feel the burning pain and wished they were dead.

and just like that...

Once a dreaming kingdom turned into hell and fell.

The most painful thing was that Corvina's soul haven't returned to the underworld after the seventh day of her death. She saw everything... How people died, She heared everything.... How they scuttle like fish, She even saw how her parents died. But she couldn't do anything.

Even her soul felt heartache without heart. And she couldn't do anything."

"If i didn't killed her, if i just tired to save Lucian instead of killing Corvina, this wouldn't have happened... If i just didn't listened to those rumours.... If i tried to listen to Lucian, everything would have been different."

He exhaled, probably trying not to remember the past pain. I waited for more but it seemed like that was the end.


This "if" doesn't exist. "If" is just a word, a wish that can't be fulfilled ever. If this, if that, If he had just listened to her love...

But he didn't.

And he can never listen to her now.

So from his perspective, Corvina is doing all for revenge for giving her the cruel death. But one thing is still unanswered.

What does she want to do with me?

It was like this old man read my mind and answered. "It's because you are the key." What key?

"My father was a great martial God and my mother was a magician. When I was little, My mother spelled a prophecy that Serendipity will fade in the darkness. To prevent the event from happening, they buried the most powerful sword in me. Only this sword can rip the darkness and be used only by a person who has a heart that can shine like the Sun and give warmth like the Moon."

"And that person is you. Rose. Only you can do this."


"I'm just a normal girl!" I gripped my head with my hands. Panicking. "I- I can't do this! This is too much! Why ME???!"

"Because the universe chose you. Believe in yourself. You can do everything you want." He smiled.

His whole body started to glow, a glow that was making my eyes go blind but I still watched him. He turned into small millions of pieces and dispersed into the thin air, little by little. Those particles made their way out of the small hole of the cave and fled with air.

But there was something that was still here. It was also glowing. I raised my hands to touch the thing and felt the cold metal of the sword.

It was white, almost transparent by the glow with many curves and patterns on it. There was something written on the lower area of the blade. It says:


Must be the name of the longsword. Sǐwáng was indeed beautiful but the blade was so thin and sharp that even touch can make you bleed. Of course, it belonged to a god after all.

But now it is mine?

He died and left me his last belonging. I can't take this. It is Jungkook's right to have this and it is Jungkook's job to do whatever to that lady. Why am I being sandwiched here?

Oh yeah, Jungkook...

I supposed what will he do after knowing his father's death. In the end, I couldn't do anything.

Fuck I couldn't do anything! I can do everything I want to! And how the fuck that Corona- or whatever her name- dared to fuck with me?!

I am not a Cindrella who will just weep and wait for the prince. Even the real prince here wants to kill me for whatever reason.

I stood up and tripped my this long dress and fell on the ground and broke my nose.



I hugged my knees and screamed silently in the cold darkness.

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