Turning to her, intrigued by her words, "and why is that?" I asked, smirking.

Lauren laughed at my facial expression. "You just have this demeanor about you. Like you seem like the kind that likes to read and write poetry and gives really good advice and the best hugs." Her eyes gazed at me in admiration, roaming my face as if she wanted to soak in every detail. It made me melt inside.

Now it was my turn to chuckle in amusement. "Do I really? You can gather all that by looking at me?" I asked her, wanting to know if that's how I really came across to everyone, or just her.

"Actually no, not at all. To other people you seem like the type that doesn't want to be bothered, that hates people and talking to them, doesn't like anybody and doesn't want friends. Like you just want to hurry up and graduate because you can't stand being here," Lauren replied, reading me down as if it was easy for her. "The unapproachable kind of vibe with a dangerous RBF," she giggled, nodding her head pridefully.

Fake gasping and hanging my mouth open, I nudged her shoulder. "My RBF is not that bad," I said, knowing I was lying but I needed to make the point.

"Oh so you're aware you scare the shit out of people with those facial expressions," she scoffed, raising her eyebrows.

"Nope," I shrugged.


I burst out laughing. "No it's not-"

"Yes it is,"Lauren laughed with me.  "Am I wrong though?"

A smirk crept onto my lips as I shrugged. "No," I looked at the ground.

"Ah ha! See, I know my stuff," she smiled wide,  popping an invisible collar. I laughed hard once again.

"Yeah yeah I guess so-" I nodded. "You're probably the only person I've ever met who came to that kind of conclusion about me ya know?"

"Really?" Lauren looked at me in shock and it wasn't until she grinned that I realized she was being sarcastic.

I laughed...again.

Lauren's POV:

We were silent for a moment while I'd just look around and observe with her, stealing a few glances at her when she wasn't looking my way. I found Sade really beautiful, inside and out, even though we hadn't known each other for long.

Sighing, I looked over at her as she finished off her fried oreos.

"Will you take a walk with me?" I asked. She nodded, her mouth still a bit full. I chuckled at her.

Sade paused, arching her eyebrow. "Where?" I shrugged,

"Wherever. Now come on."

After standing up, I stretched out my hand for her to take. Noticing her blush as she took my hand and stood to her feet, I smirked, but made sure she didn't see.

"Hey y'all, we finna go take a walk, see y'all around," she said looking back at Kingston and Aria.

They nodded back at her with small smirks on their lips. I wasn't sure why, so I shrugged it off in my head.

We walked, arm-in-arm, in silence for a moment before Sade abruptly stopped in her tracks, yanking me back.

Confusion took my expression before I chuckled. "What is it?" I looked at her furrowing my eyebrows.

Sade just stared ahead of her, and past me for a moment, then she met my eyes. "Can we turn around? I think I left something," a nervous laugh followed her words.

For a moment I studied her facial expressions and body language. Something was wrong and off, but I didn't want to push anything so I said okay and we turned around.

The two of us only got a few steps in before I heard Jasmine's voice. Sade stopped again, this time fuming.

"There's that bitch that I can't stand the sight of," Jasmine called from behind us.

Sade's entire mood had changed. She looked mad as hell and for real this time. To be honest, I was quite intimidated by it. I'd hate for her to get this way towards me.

In a swift motion, she whipped us around and snapped back. "And there's that disappointing waste of space that I hate her mother for birthing-" I looked between her and Jasmine in shock.

I only knew Jasmine because of 4th block and sure they had their petty arguments but the insults I was hearing now sounded pretty personal.

Jasmine walked up to us with some pep in her step. "The hell are you doing here?" She looked between us then focused on me. "Hi Lauren!" Jasmine smiled, but I could tell it was fake, as hell.

"Hi hun-" I replied with dry excitement. I had no problems with this girl but the way she acted towards Sade, and now me? I'm not the one babe.

Jasmine looked me up and down for a second then turned to Sade with a smirk on her face. I furrowed my eyebrows in irritation. She was starting to piss me off with this attitude of hers.

"I see you got a new one," she spoke in lower tone directly to Sade. "Let's hope you'll keep your will to live after this one huh?" The rude girl smiled. She stared at Sade intentionally watching for her reaction, but Sade stood still. Jasmine looked her up and down before shaking her head with a chuckle, then turned to walk away.

"Bye whore!" she called behind her laughing a bit more.

I looked over at Sade to find her just standing there, looking down at her shoes. After grabbing her hand, I expected her to pull away, but she didn't. Instead she was shaking, badly.

"Sade-" I whispered to her softly. "What do you need? I'm here." My hand squeezed hers tighter.

"Where's your car?" she asked shakily, her voice breaking.

With a quiet nod, I pulled her with me to walk to my car. I heard her sniffle as she trailed behind me and it hurt me to hear. I didn't want to see her like this.

Once we got in the car, she was quiet as a mouse and continued to look down and play with her fingers. I sat patiently waiting for whatever she wanted to do next. If she wanted to sit in silence, bawl her eyes out, scream, vent, go somewhere, whatever, I was down.

After a while she looked over at me and finally spoke. "I'm sorry," her eyes found mine, tears pooling at the rims. To reassure her, I quickly shook my head,

"Oh Sade no, don't apologize you did nothing wrong okay?" She looked away and stared straight ahead,

"No because this was supposed to be a fun and carefree night and here she goes ruining it. And to make matters worse she got me crying and shit and I don't want to cry in front you"

"It's okay to cry Sade, especially in front of me," I said softly as I reached over to grab her hand.

Looking up, she met my eyes again, but didn't say anything. Her nose was red as well as her cheeks, but the tears had stopped.

"Come here." I pulled her in and she didn't hesitate to fall into my arms. "I know we haven't known each other for long but Sade I care for you very much, so just know whatever it is I'm here for you okay?"

Sniffling against my neck, Sade nodded. We pulled away, but remained close and slowly met eyes once again.

You could cut the tension with a knife. My breathing was shallow and hitched, almost nonexistent. All I could hear was my heart pounding out of my chest and I hoped she couldn't hear it too.



• Only Time Will Tell •حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن