Seeing him like that stunned me. I was used to his dominance and tough posture so his vulnerability anguished me unwillingly.

"He couldn't tell so you just hugged him the whole night?" I nodded.

"We were hugging, I was tired, I fell asleep in his arms and the next thing I knew, we were at home." My grip tightened around my glass, an unknown smile came to my lips.

I chuckled a little, not knowing how Sebastian controlled his anger when I tested his patience and leniency, continuing the past,

"I was worried he might not get sick but I was the one who ended up becoming sick."


"Hello, Elyna. I am not coming to work today. Cancel all my meetings." Sebastian ordered while sitting next to me.

Wet towel over my forehead while my body was burning to an unbearable level.

I shouldn't have taken off my dress in the first place. Velvet or not but now the cold had shown its affect and I was now in bed, burning with extreme fever with tears glistening near my eyelids.

"I don't care. You can handle them then and don't piss me off now. I am busy." He growled, cutting the call before letting out a sigh and changing my towel.

"Doctor will be here soon. Don't worry, okay?" He said softly, sitting next to me.

He was about to caress me but I slapped his hand away with tears collecting near my eyes, throwing the towel away and moving to the middle of the bed, holding a pillow tightly.

Yes, I become bratty and moody whenever I am sick.

"I want my Papa. Call my papa. I don't want anyone. Not a doctor. Not you. Not anyone. I want my papa!" My muffled broken voice came, holding the pillow.

Whenever I got sick, Papa stayed next to me. He held me, massaged my forehead, fed me so naturally I didn't want anyone but him to take care of me.

"I have called him too. He is coming." He exhaled his frustration, holding his forehead, barely holding his patience with my demeanor.

"Then go away! I don't want you near me. You scare me!" Releasing a muffled cry. I held my pillow tightly and began to sob from the pain and fever taking over my body and I badly wanted it to go away.

"Eileen-" He tried to call me softly but I flinched, not listening to him.

"Go away! Go!" Don't go.

I cried, pulling my pillow, my tears soaking it, shutting my eyes firmly.

Thankfully I warned him before our marriage already that taking care of me whenever I am sick would be challenging.

"Go!" I was sobbing silently, hoping it would subdue the burn in my body but to no avail. I was crying like a baby, not wanting Sebastian to truly leave me in this state.

He took the day off for my sake then he should stay with me.

Sniffling, I was crying until I sensed Sebastian moved under the duvets and shifted closer to me, wrapping his arm around me to flip me to his side.

"Get away. You are scaring me! Leave me!" I yelled, I was about to hit his chest but he embraced me firmly to ensure I won't get out or move needlessly.

"Shh." He hushed me dominantly, fed up by my behavior, holding my arms, frowning at me while I was making a crying face.

"No, get away from me. Go far away from me." I hissed. He stared at my terrible and teary face for a few seconds with ire. Wanting to leave me alone to suffer.

Deepest DesireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora