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Jeongguk hated getting up early of a morning, especially if he's feeling little.

If he didn't have anything to do during the day, he wouldn't have minded being little. However he had a couple of classes during the day and he had said he would go in with Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon.

The process of him coming out of his little state was always one that put him into a bad mood for the rest of the day. It was always so tiring for him.

However he guesses that's just what happens when he falls asleep and wakes up with his paci in his mouth, gently sucking on it.

If he's lucky, sometimes it falls out during the night and he wakes up feeling big again. That wasn't the case for him at the current time though.

So he did what he usually did to push back his little. He took the paci out and put it back in it's spot in the first draw of his bedside table and got up to change his clothes.

Instead of wearing something colourful and fluffy, like his pyjamas, he changed into his big everyday clothing, quickly spraying himself with his deodorant to cover his scent.

It helped for the most part, but his mind had still felt a bit hazy though. So he walked around the room to start packing the black bag he uses for his classes, avoiding his toys and objects that he knows will trigger him again.

"Hey Jeonggukie, are you getting ready? Joonie wants to leave in about 20 minutes" Taehyung called through the door, pushing the little back the rest of the way at the use of his name.

"Yeah, i'm nearly done" Jeongguk answered back, putting the bag onto one shoulder as he made his way to the locked door and opened it to reveal Taehyung.

"Come eat something before you leave koo" Seokjin said as he stood at the bottom of the stair case, looking up at the two males just at the top of them.

"I'm coming down now" Jeongguk replied back as he started his decent down the steps to the lower floor.

Entering into the kitchen to eat his breakfast, he noticed that all of his roommates were already eating, except for him and tae.

"Eat quickly guys, we need to leave very soon" Namjoon says while getting up with his plate to take it to the sink, quickly washing it then putting it in the drying rack.

The two younger males sat down at the table quickly and began eating what Seokjin had made for them.

"What time does your shift finish tonight koo?" Yoongi questions as he also stood up with an empty plate.

"10" Jeongguk answers quickly, as he's trying to eat as fast as possible. Shoving maybe a bit too much in his mouth at one time.

"Jeongguk, slow down baby, you're going to choke eating like that" Seokjin scolds. Jeongguk looked up at the older male who had his hands on his hips.

"I'm sure Namjoon can wait a couple of minutes for you to finish" Seokjin glares Namjoon's way. The teacher looks back at Seokjin before slowly nodding his head.

"Of course, no rush koo" the younger smiled nervously. Jeongguk smiled at the two before going back to his food, not so panicked to finish it so quickly.

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