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"Ace- she's alive." George gripped his legs tightly, speaking firmly as he stared at Dream.
"She isn't dead." He trusted Dream.

Dream blinked for a few moments.
"What?" He sounded completely confused... ace was dead?
"George- what are you on about? Are you okay?"

He saw ace die.

"Ace! She's alive! I saw her!" George looked back out the window.
"Dream! I swear!" He begged.
"She was there! She left the store!"

"George- are you okay...?" Dream was completely confused... he saw nothing? He didn't see anyone.
"I know you haven't been feelings well recently- you might have seen thin-" he was cut off.

"No! Dream I swear! I saw her!" George begged, he knew what he saw.
"Please believe me!" His gaze softened... did Dream not believe him...?

"George- she's dead." Dream started the car, beginning to back up.
"If you wanted to go home- you could have just said so.." he looked forward.. mumbling softly.
"You don't need to make up an excuse to go home."

George stared at Dream with a heart broken look.. but- he.. he saw ace.
"But..." he soon cut himself off... Dream didn't believe him.

He just kept quiet before looking out the window.. watching Dream drive home silently.

George slowly glanced at Dream.. seeing the unimpressed look on the alphas face.... Great.

After a few moments- Dream spoke up.

"George.. I know you're dealing with you're own issues.. but this- this is too far." Dream continued driving, sighing.
"She's dead George.. I saw he di-" he got cut off.

George didn't want to hear Dream saying these things... it hurt him to hear it come from Dream...
"I want to get out." He stared forward.

Dream looked at george with a confused and concerned look... he just begged him to drive them home and now he wants to get out?
"George- you just asked me to drive home?! Now you want to get out?! What are we even going to d-" he was cut off again.

"I'm walking home." George mumbled, soon looking down at his feet.
"I don't-" he was cut off.

"You're not walking home by yourself." Dream sighed before continuing to drive down the road... what is going on with him?
"It's too far of a walk, at least a few hours... and it's pitch black out." He mumbled.

George just kept quiet as he turned his back towards Dream.
"I'd rather that then be here right now.." he mumbled under his breath.
"At least I wouldn't have to hear you speak..."

Dream pinched the bridge of his nose.
"George- ace is dead, you killed her remember-you stabbed he-" he was cut off.

"No, I never did kill her... she fell into the water after I shoved." George hugged himself, staring out the window.
"I never saw her die." He mumbled under her breath.
"She must have survived the fall.."

Dream let out a small sigh... shaking his head... he had to do something to make George calm down.
"Would it make you feel better if I ask Karl to hack and check over the camera recordings around here." He sounded unimpressed.
"To prove it wasn't her?"

"Yes." George scrunched his nose, growling under his breath... he knew it was her.

"Then I will." Dream used one hand to steer as the other typed into the dashboard, sending a message to Karl.
"But if it turns out it wasn't her you saw, I am going to be annoyed." He said firmly.

George kept quiet... he knew what he saw.
"....ok.." he mumbled.
"Just get us home... I wan to check on the pups."

After about 30 minutes or so.. they finally arrived home.

Dream gladly pulled into the drive way, letting out a sigh of relief once he pulled into there parking spot.
"There.. we are finally home." He soon turned off the car.

Once he glanced to George- the brunette didn't hesitate to unbuckle himself from the car.. leaving the car immediately before slamming the door behind him.

Dream had an unimpressed look, watching the brunette make his way inside.
"Christ.." he ran his fingers through his hair.
"What is going on.. why has things only been getting worse"

It felt to the alpha that what him and George had between.. is slowly shattering... and he doesn't know what will fix it.

Dreams gaze soon sorrowed, looking over at George.... Maybe he should go and check on George... and apologize.
"I truly hope he is okay.." he made his way out of the car, making his way towards the door.
"I just want him to talk to me.."

He was thinking of what he was going to say to george.. and how he's going to fix this... maybe he could sit down and talk with him.

But Once Dream made his way into the house- he was instantly bombarded with questions by a certain someone.


"Jesus Christ Karl."
Dream jumped, looking at Karl- seeing the worried look.
"What?" He cocked a brow.
"Did you see where George went, I'm trying to talk to him right now."

"He went to the pups.. but dream- why did you ask me to look over the video footage from tonight." Karl said firmly, holding his tablet in arms.
"Please tell me." He said firmly.

"Cause- George said something about ace being alive." Dream waved his hand, shrugging.
"I didn't believe him when he told me." He pinched the bridge of his nose.
"So I'm proving that she is dead."

"Dream... you might want to take a look at this."

.: George POV :.

George leaned against the wall, hugging himself as he stared at the bed... was he seeing things..? Was it not ace but someone that looked like her...?

He let out a small wince, resting his head on his knees as he tried to relax.

George wanted to cry.. but couldn't- he just felt... emotionless in that moment- what was he supposed to feel..? Hurt..? Betrayed...? He didn't know how he was supposed to feel.... Dream didn't believe him at all.

As he was about to lay on the ground- he was cut off by the click of the door.


George looked up at the door, seeing zuma peaking his way into the room.
"Hello love." He softly smile.. seeing the pup mumbled.
"How are you..?"

"Can.. I sleep with you and daddy tonight.." zuma hugged bunny and wolfy.. holding a small blanket as well.
"I had a scary dream." He whimpered.
"And uncle karl said that calix needed to be with them tonight..."

George softly smiled.
"Of course sweet heart." He made his way towards zuma, carefully picking up the pup.
"What was this dream about...? What was so bad about it"

"There was a big scary monster chasing me.." zuma hugged George, nuzzling the omegas shoulder.
"And it was really scary... and I was in a room by myself." He whined.

George kissed the top of the pups head.
"Well You are safe now.." he walked towards the bed, carefully placing the pup down.
"Get comfortable whilst mama gets changed."

Zuma nodded, softly smiling.
"Okay mama." He got comfortable.

George was about to speak but was cut off as the door opened in a rush.
"Hm..?" He looked over, seeing the paranoid look on dreams face.
"Are you okay...?"

"You were right." Dream said firmly, panting as he stared at George.
"You were 100% right."

George cocked a brow.. he was completely confused... what...?

"Ace is alive."

Total word count: 1357

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