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Sorry, this chapter a little speedy, I just really couldn't wait to write this.


Dream covered the speaker of the phone.
"I am not dealing with this right now! Your drunk!" He aggressively whispered, placing his foot on George's chest and lightly kicking him back.
"Go wait over there!"

George yelped as he fell back, tumbling faintly.

"Sorry- what we're you saying." Dream placed his phone back against his ear.
"I was busy doing something, sorry- I'm a busy person."

'Are you sure everything is okay-'

"Yes- I just had to deal with something." Dream leaned into his office chair, spinning away from the desk.
"Now, tell me what this order is for... i need to make sure it's worth getting the supplies."


The omega tumbled, falling back onto the dust ridden floor.

George huffed, glancing up at Dream.
"rude." He puffed his cheeks out, glancing over at the calendar..... there was a circle around a date..?
"What's that...?"

He squinted his eyes, focusing.. being drunk really fucks with your vision..

It didn't say any words just a red circle- and he didn't understand.

But once George saw the date, he quickly smiled- he recognized it immediately after his vision focused on the date.

It was his birthday.

George was excited, his birthday was in a weeks time- Dream always got him a gift he didn't deserve.. and it made him feel special.
"Oh!" He was excited.

He leaned against a table leg, quickly planning out different things they can do on his birthday... even if he was a little drunk.

All of them can go to the aquarium again- or! Go too the zoo!.. if things don't work out.. they can all play a game! Or- OH! Watch a movie together as a family!

George giggled, cupping his cheeks whilst Dream talked on the phone.... It will be an amazing day.
"Yay.." he whispered to himself... he couldn't wait for the day.

After about 30 minutes- Dream finished his phone call and finished a few pieces of work.


"George, are you dead?" Dream placed his phone in his pocket, humming... he hasn't heard from the omega in quite awhile.
"Or are you passed out." He made his way over, seeing if George was dead.

"Mm.. I'm on the floor." George held his arms out, wanting to be picked up.
"How was your phone call...?" He yawned.. he felt like shit and wanted too go to bed.

"Meh, same old stuff... work- meetings.. etcetera ." Dream scooped George up.
"Now let's get you to bed." He carried the omega.
"You look like shit."

"Are you coming to bed as well..?" George smiled, wrapping his arms around the blondes neck.
"Or do you have more work..?" He yawned, placing a kiss on the blondes cheek.

"I still have work to do love." Dream kissed George's forehead.
"This is one of the busiest times for me, I need to make time for my family." He nudged the side of George's head.

George nodded, continuing to have his smile,
"That's alright, just make sure to eat." He slowly drifted to sleep on dreams shoulder.
"I feel like shit- and I can't make food."

Dream hummed, nodding.
"I know.. for now, just get rest." He watched as George drifted too sleep.
"You need it."

Since then, George had been taking care of the pups whilst Dream went to work... he wasn't kidding when he said this was the busiest time of the year... he's barely left his office..

.: my little pet :. Third .:. Where stories live. Discover now