Episode 63

44 12 7

Next morning ______

Y/N's Pov _____

I wake up from my beautiful sleep when I feel some uneven presence around me . I open my eyes and saw Jungkook Oppa and Taehyung Oppa staring at me . I flinch at them because they are looking uneven honestly. Like a ghost story when the ghosts are about to hunt you .

Y/N : What the heck !

She screamed out loud out of shock .

Jungkook : What !

Y/N : why are you both staring at me like this ?

Taehyung : I was just admiring you .

Y/N : You broke my sleep .

Hoseok : You should wake up, baby . It's late .

Y/N : You're also here ?

I turn to my back to see Hoseok Oppa on my bed beside me .

Irean : And we're also here . Not to forget .

I pull my head up to see others also there and not only the others , there are many things in my room . Is it my room ? Or am I in the wrong room ? I get up and sit straight. I looked around me but stopped in my tracks when Yoongi Oppa said,.

Yoongi : You're in your room. Don't worry.

Jungkook : Huh ? How did you know what she was thinking ?

Yoongi : Because I'm a genius.

Y/N : What are these things ?

I said pointing at the things in my room. There are a lot of begs in my room with a lot of boxes and something like a bug doll covered with a black cover over it .

Jin : Oh this , your outfits and other things .

Y/N : Outfit?

Jin : Yes princess. We're heading to a party this evening and these things are your outfit and other necessary things.

Y/N : But Oppa , why so many things ?

Yoongi : Because you're the main character .

Y/N : Main character ?

Jin : Girl get up first . It's almost 1 in the noon and you're still sleeping.


Jin : 1 o'clock .

Y/N : What ! How can I oversleep? Oh NOOOO....

I get down from my bed fastly not caring about others . I can hear Jin saying " Hay slow down ' and held my arms preventing me from going crazy .

Jin : Hay , calm down . It's ok to get up late for one day .

Y/N: IT'S 1 P.M OPPA!!!!

Jin : You slept late last night. It's ok . Don't panic .

Y/N : But -

Jimin : No buts . Now go and fresh up .

Y/N : Ok .

I then went toward my bathroom. Quickly taking a shower I went out of my bath wearing my usual black fluffy silk bathrobe. I thought no one would be here but as soon as I opened the door , I saw all of them still in my room. Some are on the bed cuddling with each other and when some are doing their own work .

Y/N : You guys are still here ?

I said covering my upper body more with the bathrobe . Even though the robe is big, it is not enough. The length is not even till my knees so it's too uncomfortable and I'm not even wearing undergarments also . Jimin Oppa pop out his head from under Taehyung Oppa's arms and said ,

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