The battle of the halleluyah mountains

Start from the beginning

"Takahari, take some of your people down. I think they must be on the ground," he says into his microphone.

I look over the edge too but I see nothing but trees and some fog.

"I'm getting tired and he'll lose a finger so, if you want him to be in one piece. Come. to. the. ship," Ardmore speaks again.

"Leave him alone! I'll go!" I reply immediately. I can hear Miles fighting in the background.

"Anatuat," Neytiri warns me.

"Don't come. I know it must be a trap, something's weird but... I can't leave him there. She threatened to cut his fingers and... I-I have to go," I tell her.

"I don't like this," Jake says.

A big helicopter is coming our way, I think it is big enough for Miles to be inside with some soldiers.

"Me either, but I'm not leaving him with them,"

"He wouldn't want you to go!" He shouts at me.

"Well, that's not his desition to make!" I reply. I call my Ikran and the people are expecting for Jake to tell them what to do.

I can see some of them have already charged their bows.

"Just be ready. I'll go, you don't," I say.

"We're coming," I say to the microphone and start walking towards Inet who's already waiting for me.

"Anatuat don't," Jake says.

"I have to go. I have to," I say.

Jake is about to say something when someone talks to him over the microphone and repeats the call. He managed to reclaim Toruk, who is already out here too, waiting for him.

I hurry up and get up Inet, my hands shake a little but I command her to go towards the helicopter. I'm close to the thing but the sky is already black and I can't see very well inside the windows, suddenly Jake calls to me over the microphone.

"Wait! Come back, it's a-" I can't hear him but I'm pretty sure he was going to say a trap. The helicopter is now more visible and I strain my eyes to look inside the windows and I notice... that there is no one there. At least not visibly.

I react just in time, making Inet move to the side when the thing opens fire, Inet shrieks out of fear and I try to control her, flying low and going back to the camp.

"Jake! what is that?!" I scream into the microphone.

"I don't know. I'm not sure how its here but, come back! I'm separating the teams!" he answers.

I'm pretty close to them, I can see that they are getting on 7ķ the ship is about to be destroyed.

"I see no one, this was a trap" she responds.

I'm not so sure of it but, I try to trust.

I'll find Ardmore and I'll find Miles, and she is going to pay.

I try to follow the shots so I get to whatever they're using to fire at us from the ground and when I'm free of the fog of the mountains, a gasp escapes my mouth.

Only one machine was firing at us, but there are at least twelve. Twelve massive army tanks and many soldiers in skel and AMP suits.

"Takahari, where are you?" I call into the microphone. I hope her team is well hidden, because... I don't know how we'll stand a chance.

"Up!" I command Inet, but I'm not as fast and I can't win against so many eyes on me. We collapse to the ground as a big net captures us.

I shout and try to take out my axe before we hit the ground.

"Resist!" I tell Inet. I barely manage to take the axe out and I start cutting to net as I can but the impact when we hit the ground makes my effort worthless.

I'm out of breath for a moment, Inet and I as equally confused and in pain.

I dismount her as I can and try to cut the net again as I notice some of the soldier in the suits approaching us.

"Jake! Jake! they got me! they're all on the ground, tanks and amp suits! careful" I say as I try to at least free Inet.

"Where are you?! I'll try to break you out!" he responds. His voice is controlled. Loud, yes, but controlled. He has the same soldier cool that Miles has.

"I just, I- I don't know exactly. I'm on the ground, I followed the shots they were firing at us but-" I can't finish talking as the soldiers in the suits are already here. Two of them take the ends of the net and start dragging me and Inet somewhere.


Hi, I'm sorry for being away for so long. Thanks for all of you who are still interested and for all the new people that got here while I was gone :)

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