21. The Ghost of the Emerald Forest - Loldirr

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With all her strength, Loldirr switched her focus back to Jeffry. His muscular frame, once struggling against his shackles, was now at ease, and his face, normally permanently in a frown of contempt, was showing a smile that exposed his surprisingly well-kept and bright white teeth. Just beyond the ecstatic Ruvian hung the wide-eyed and aroused Fæordic, Sigurd Halfhand. His smile, full of lust and desire, focused on the parting bushes as the tranquil humming came from a physical being.

With such grace and poise, the creature carefully placed its foot calmly onto the grass in the clearing of the captured adventurers. As a second foot seductively followed, they were both attached to two, long, almost perfect legs that left Loldirr with a tinge of envy.

Entering the clearing, the scantly clad woman of such elegant beauty was something far beyond mesmerising. Her long flowing midnight hair flowed effortlessly in the breeze while her almost milk-like skin seemed to glisten as the sunlight edged its way through the clearing in the trees. Her white flowing dress barely covered her thighs and left her arms exposed, while simultaneously struggling to stop her ample breasts from spilling from it.

Loldirr struggled to take her eyes off the beauty, the feeling of jealousy and arousal had put her body in a state of shock, leaving her hanging effortlessly mere inches away from the grass below, but then she spotted it, something unusual about the woman who had drawn all the attention of the three adventurers.

Something about the way she walked, like a cat wisping through the grass seemed to make Loldirr question their reality, and as she looked closely, she could see it, a small faint ghostly tremor around the woman.

The woman turned towards her, the beautiful song flowed through Loldirrs ears, the tremor seemed to disappear and as she stepped forward toward Sigurd, her soft hands gliding down his toned abdomen, Loldirr once again felt that all was right in the world.

"So beautiful," Sigurd exclaimed, his eyes gliding across her form and figure.

The woman failed to speak, instead, continuing to sing her harmony, carefully kneeling and placing her hand on the chest of Sigurd, almost admiring his heart that was leaping from his sternum.

The shimmer once again appeared, and this time Loldirr focused on it. It was as if the woman's focus had drifted away from the young huntress, and for a brief moment, Loldirr's reality has started to come back to her.

The shimmer, that seemed to radiate from the woman's body started to ripple and distort the world around her, encouraging Loldirr to direct her concentration on it. It almost appeared that the very edges of the woman's torso were starting to melt away.

Loldirr's thoughts were clouded, her actions numbed by the tune of the woman but like a thread of an unravelling vest, Loldirr was determined to grab ahold of the thin trace of reality that had presented itself to her.

The serenity of the song was now starting to be replaced with something else, a horror that only she seemed to realise, a horror that was now sliding its nail deep into Sigurd's chest.

Blood started to trick down his chest toward his neck, the nail appeared to grow to an unnatural length, but as it slowly inserted deep into the Faeordic warlord, his eyes and his smile seemed to show that he was completely oblivious to the pain that his body was enduring.

"No!" a little whelp escaped Loldirr's lips. A futile attempt to stop the woman from inflicting more damage on a member of Loldirr's party.

The helplessness of her situation and the feebleness of her attempts to stop the woman was enough for Loldirr's anger to start returning.

Edging deeper into his now bloodied chest, the nail pushed deeper. Despite his skin and face starting to turn pale, Sigurd continued to smile, his unnatural calmness appeared disturbing and uneasy, and as a result, it was causing Loldirr to become alarmed.

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