Chapter Thrity-Six: A Trip Down Memory Lane - Part Two; Nora West-Allen

Start from the beginning

" My home."

A bright blue blur blasted through the hallway next to them, aligning itself in the middle of the lit room.

A man dressed in a black suit stood holding an older man in front of him, the aggressor's face unmasked as his eyes narrowed and burned with determination, wrapping his arm roughly around his prisoner's neck.

Hunter Zolomon.

And the other, an older gray-haired man whose worn face showed that of one who was a strong, loving person, his eyes holding fear that seemed to resonate throughout his entire form; only it wasn't worry for himself.

Henry Allen, Barry's father, Nora's grandfather.


Moments later, an orange blur raced into the little house after them, landing opposite to the two, his terrified expression sending chills straight down Nora's spine as she saw the raw panic in his eyes. He wore a dark red suit with hints of orange on it, a gold lightning bolt emblem on his chest.

It was The Flash.

" Is that you?" Nora thought aloud, briefly turning to her father.

Barry stood, quiet and motionless as he watched the people in front of him, his eyes glued to the scene that he had seen so many times in his head, yet never seemed to lose the pain that followed with it.

Zoom and Grandpa... this is...

" Do you remember this place?" Zoom hissed, gesturing around him. " I'm sure that you do, probably have a lot of great memories here."

Memory Barry pulled his mask off, his eyes full of tears and fear.

" Zolomon! This is between us! No one else has to get hurt!"

This isn't one of my memories, it's one of dad's!

" Ahhh, but that's where you're wrong Barry. You still haven't gotten the message yet. You still don't see how we're the same." Zolomon spat, tightening his chokehold around Henry's throat.

" I think that you just need one more push."

" Dad, dad! Look at me! Everything's going to be alright!" Memory Barry reassured him.

Barry's eyes looked haunted, like he remembered this all too well.

" Barry, turn away, don't watch this." Henry stated, looking Barry in the eyes.

It didn't even seem like he was afraid of what was happening. It felt like he was more afraid of what his death would do to his son, then of dying itself.

" You'll be fine dad! I'm getting you out of here!"

" No, he isn't," Zoom hissed in Henry's ear.

" Now, are there any last words that you have for your son?" Zoom asked, pulling his phasing hand backwards.

" You have made me the proudest father that I could ever be, and I'll always love you," Henry said kindly, knowing what came next.

Nora's father shut his eyes tightly, a tear falling from them, already knowing the ending to this story.

" This is going to make you just, like, me!" Zoom roared, as his hand plunged through Henry's heart, Memory Barry being helpless to stop him.

" NNNOOOOO!!!!" Memory Barry cried brutally, rushing to where his father laid on the hard tile, so close to where his mother had died decades ago, having had to watch both of his parents die in his childhood home before his very eyes.

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