Chapter Six: Iris West-Allen

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Chapter Six: Iris West-Allen

Central City, 2018, Star Labs

Iris watched helplessly as Zoom was tackled by Barry through the glass wall and into the workshop area, as Nora dropped to the floor, motionless.

She immediately rushed over to her daughter's side, desperate to see any sign of life from her.

" Nora! Nora wake up!" Iris exclaimed in a panicked voice as she kneeled down next to her, trying to shake her awake. She looked over Nora's injuries, trying to see where she had been hurt. It didn't look good. There was a large gash across the back of her left leg, she had numerous cuts and bruises across her face, and she had no idea how much internal damage had been done. What scared Iris most of all though was that she couldn't tell if Zoom had been successful in putting his hand through her heart.

"Nora! Please!" begged Iris, longing to hear anything from her daughter. No response. She checked Nora's neck for a pulse... yes! She could still feel a light pulse, she was still alive! For now. But Iris knew that she needed to get help immediately.

A loud crash jolted her attention to the ensuing battle between Barry and Zoom, who were speeding all around the room, orange and blue lightning sparking everywhere, each trading blows with each other as they destroyed the space around them.

All that she could see was just flashes of orange and blue light that seemed to be everywhere at once, colliding with each other over and over again.

" Duck!" she heard ring out from somewhere amid the lightning storm.

Don't have to tell me twice!

She ducked just in time to see Zoom throw blue lightning right where her head had been mere moments ago, before he joined back into his furious battle with The Flash.

" He needs help." thought Iris. And as she looked around for something useful she could use to help her husband, her eyes met just what she needed. The panic button on the main control console. While it was only a few meters away from where she was now, the space was full of the chaotic action from the speedsters' duel.

I have to do it. For Barry, and Nora.

She began to crawl across the floor of the Cortex as quickly as she could, trying to keep track of where Zoom and Barry were, glass and debris flying everywhere as wires, light fixtures, and pieces of the walls were torn out of their places. She stopped about halfway there as Zoom slammed Barry down against the console, directly between it and Iris, sparks flying from it as the hero smashed down on it.

" What's the matter slugger? I'm just trying to compete with Thawne. Can't deal with any more loss? I'd have thought that you'd be used to it by now." Zoom taunted.

Iris could see a spark of anger in Barry's eyes as he got out from under Zoom's pin and charged him once more, their battle ensuing once again. Watching as they sped off down the Hallway of Feelings, Iris got to her feet and ran the rest of the way to the console. Luckily, the panic button hadn't been destroyed, and she pressed it faster than she had ever called for help in her life. Very soon Cisco, Catlin, and Ralph would show up to help.

Suddenly, Zoom came flying past Iris and into the Cortex, sliding across the floor into a wall on the other side of the room, a brief moment later Barry appearing next to her.

" What is wrong with you idiot?!" Zoom yelled, struggling to get up.

" Did she fry your brain?! Get up and fight!"

It was only then that Iris noticed how Savitar hadn't moved since she had escaped. The electric bead that she had put in his armor wouldn't have hurt him, it only carried enough charge to momentarily stun someone, and his armor was still glowing blue, which meant that he was still inside of it. It looked almost like he was staring at something. Iris began to follow his gaze, and was surprised to find that he was actually looking down at someone. Nora.

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