Adam again

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I took all of our aggravatingly beautiful, twisted memories, and put them in a cute little box. I even bought a little pink bow to go on top and when I was satisfied with it, I put the box in the pouch of the hoodie you gave me and tucked the whole thing away in my closet. And there it lays...And every once in a while, when I start to miss you and our memories, I get out that stupid hoodie and wear it. And ill think, and remember the way you held me, and all the beautiful things you told me... But then ill remember the way you lied, and left, and took part of me with you. The way you pulled me in and got me to trust you just so that you could tear me to shreds. And with that, I will hang the hoodie back up... And I cant wait for the day when I can finally give you the hoodie back. Because on that day, I will no longer want the memories. I will take the wrapped up hoodie and hand over all the pain, and regret to you. And with that, I will be free of you.

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