First Day of Class for a Vigilante

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Lunch Rush was the hero to come to his room the most in the past two days since the USJ attack. Even though he was a captured vigilante, the hero didn't discriminate against him or withhold food from him.

And the food he was given wasn't bland or lacking at all. The hero made sure that he had a full plate of balanced food like sliced fruit, meat and vegetable curry with white rice and sweet juice.

Safe to say, if Shigaraki ever considered attacking U.A. head on, he would make sure that Lunch Rush was kept out of the main life of offense and defense. Hell, he might just make it happen on his day off or something.

Speaking of Lunch Rush, the knocking at his door reminded him that his little breakfast snack would be delivered around this time.

But his mood fell considerably when he didn't see the kind attitude of the man dressed in white cook clothes. Instead of the nice chef, Midnight was nervously smiling at him with an apple sauce packet in one hand and a small backpack in the other. "Good morning. Follow me."

"Do I have a choice?" Izuku asked, raising the cuffs on his wrist and kicking out his feet like a musical theater actor doing a little dance.

"Kind of?" Midnight tilted her hands in an uneasy motion. "It's either we do this now or like ten minutes from now. Classes are going to start soon."

"And why exactly do you want me walking around with the students out?"

Midnight shrugged, hanging him the packet of smashed apples, "Well, you need to get introduced to your current caretaker during your stay here."


"What the hell did you just say?" Izuku asked, trying to rewind his memories inside his head to make sure he heard what he actually heard

Midnight sighed, "Come on. I'll tell you along the way."

Izuku rolls his eyes then looks down at the easily tearable costume that Midnight was wearing. Even if he refused, couldn't she just knock him out and tie him up for his supposedly new caretaker.

He slurped at his applesauce as he started to follow the rated R hero down the school hallway. He glanced at the neutral whites of the ground with the outlines of dark blue. The blinding colors did nothing that reminded him of the warm brown tones of the bar. The school hallway just felt restricting like a prison. Which, considering his situation, was exactly what it was.

"Nedzu is allowing you to study along with the students more... general education kind of classes under the guidance of your new caretaker," Midnight glanced back at him who was momentarily distracted by a weird poster advertising the sports festival on a cork board in the middle of the hallway.

He looked back at her. "And who is my new prison warden?"

Midnight blankly stared at him like she was considering correcting his words before giving up. "An underground pro hero you might recognize."

What, there is no...

Oh shit.

"Eraserhead is back?! I thought he was hurt. I mean, I didn't really want him to be that hurt since I find his work to be kind of admirable," His words fell into a mumble at the end as his mind traveled back to the squished pro hero visual still in his mind. "But I think things got out of hand with... Shigaraki."

"Well, to warn you, he is still hurt from his injuries. And he is not exactly happy about this last minute change to his schedule." Midnight bit back on a guilty smile. He glanced away from the pitying gaze her face slid into. God, it was hard to keep up the victim card, but thankfully his acts of desperation to get back only solidified some of their beliefs that he is fully into some familial Stockholm syndrome. "But I promise you that he is a good teacher like he is to Class 1-A and he can help you. You can put your trust in him because he has never discriminated against vigilantes in his entire career."

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