Izuku Meets a Friendly Bartender

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'Why is Kacchan acting so mean?' Izuku thought as he looked up at the cloud formations passing above him. His body was dotted with bruises and small burns from what Bakugo and his new friends did to him. Of course, they had already left by now, along with the kid he protected from them. It always happens now, doesn't it?

How many times has this happened before? Too many times to count on one hand, maybe even two. He really couldn't count anymore.

It had been almost a year since he got diagnosed as quirkless. A year since he got branded as good ol' worthless Deku from his former best friend.

And just like routine he would eventually rise up from his spot, go home, and lie to his mother about his injuries by hiding them from her.

The cycle usually repeats around the same time he heals.

"Ow. Everything hurts." Izuku mumbled, turning to his side. He winced as he placed weight in his hands to propel him into a more comfortable standing position. Izuku put on a brave face as he walked off his minor pain from the small injuries left behind.

"Not as many burns, so that's good," Izuku remarked, only noticing how pathetic that actually sounds when he said it out loud. Izuku took a deep breath before continuing his way out of the park. Izuku decided to take his mind away from the stinging feeling he felt against the burns on his arm by thinking out loud about the heroes he recently saw on television.

"Backdraft is really awesome since he is a firefighter and a pro hero which is pretty cool. His quirk is also really cool too! Hydrokinesis has so many uses! Present Mic works a job at the radio as well as doing pro hero work too which is pretty amazing. He does hero work then still does "Put Your Hands Up Radio!". Isn't he bilingual too? Wait how many languages does he know? He knows Japanese, English, and I think he knows Sign Language as well... Does he? I should do some more research when I go home.."

Izuku realized too late when he actually paid attention to his surroundings to notice he was actually somewhere he didn't know very well. "Um, uh..." Izuku whispered to himself, trying to see if he recognized any of the buildings.

But he didn't. All these buildings didn't look like any of the ones near his home. These buildings looked very haunted from the way there seemed to be limited lights, dimmed or none at all down the street. It looked so dark. Izuku was starting to get scared.

"I must commend you on your knowledge." A gentle voice said from behind him

Izuku yelled in shock, turning quickly to face the person behind him. The mystery man seemed to be made of mist. He wore a simple suit with a metal neck brace of some kind. His face seemed to be just made of dark purple wisps and his eyes were just yellows slits in the middle of the inky wisps.

"Ah, Thank you, sir. Um, I have to get home soon, but I don't exactly know where I am.."

"Young man, you have several injuries located along your arms and legs. Are you sure you are okay?"

"Um well, it does hurt."

"Hmm. One moment..." the man responded, taking off his messenger bag to dig around in it.

"I take care of a young boy like yourself. He always gets into some kind of trouble that leaves me to take care of some wounds, so I know how to take care of things like these. If you would allow me..."

Izuku looked the man up and down before nodding. He held out his arm as the wisp man carefully placed antibacterial ointment and the necessary things for each ailment he saw. After each one was taken care of and bandaged, he stepped back from the tiny child.

"There, feel better?" Kurogiri asked, placing his supplies back into his bag.

"Yes! Thank you very much!" Izuku replied with a bright smile.

Kurogiri responded softly, "No need to thank me."

"Hey, what's your name? My name is Midoriya Izuku." Izuku introduces himself to the slightly stunned mist man.

Kurogiri hummed before saying, "Midoriya, nice to meet you. You can call me Kurogiri."

"You are very nice, Kurogiri. D-do you want to be friends?" Izuku questioned nervously with a small smile.

Kurogiri's yellows eyes widened in surprise, "Friends?"

"Yeah! You are like friend-shaped!" Izuku exclaimed happily.

"Friend-shaped?" Kurogiri chuckled as Izuku beamed up at him.

"Yep! So do you?" Izuku asked.

Kurogiri eyes crinkled a bit at the ends, "I would be very delighted to be your friend, Midoriya."


It wasn't until an hour later did Izuku finally make his way home. Kurogiri was nice enough to lead him back to a recognizable place near his home. He was such a great friend to have!
Inko was pacing outside the door of their apartment while waiting for her son to come home. When she finally saw him come up, she fretted over him.

"Oh, Izuku! Where have you been? I have been so worried!" Inko said, pushing back his curls to view his face.

Izuku replied, "Sorry, momma! I made a new friend! He is SO awesome! His quirks allow him to be made of some kind of mist that makes him all mysterious..."

Inko sighed, "Well, next time tell me when you are going to go hang out with your friend. I was very worried over where you might have been."

Izuku nodded with a smile at his mother. "I promise."

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