Scheduling is Tough

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When Tenko ventured off to break in through the front door of U.A.,Izuku watched from the shadows of an alleyway just out of eyeshot of the school. He was only able to see his brother's hooded figure disappear into the mass of shiny cameras and sweaty reporters.

He knew that his brother would have no problem hiding with the crowd as soon as he saw the amount of public and press that were crowding around the school or talking about All Might in general.

The public's response was accurately baffled that the number one hero is suddenly teaching at a hero school and now everyone wants to know all of the questions. Why is he there? Why did he choose U.A.? Is he a good teacher?

He knew that the press would most likely head straight for the doors of the academy while the teacher intercepted them from walking any further onto property. Which would give his brother enough time to sneak in and get the schedule.

Nonetheless he joined his brother's plan as backup if anything went wrong in the breaking and entering plan. And so, he was waiting alongside Kurogiri with a headset connected to an earpiece if anything from their plan went wrong.

"Are you in position, Ten-Chan?" Izuku whispered into the mic, trying to keep an eye on the black hood of his brother even as he disappeared into a crowd of people wearing dark colors.

"It's Shigaraki on the field. I'm close. None of these NPCs is even looking my way," Shigaraki responded. He heard him stifle a laugh. "You should see them right now, all of them look irritated that they aren't getting a precious exclusive."

"Boohoo for them, Tomura-Chan," Izuku mumbled, glancing over to Kurogiri to see him patiently standing there watching over him. He smiled briefly up at them before turning his attention back to the headset. "Do you see the door yet?"

"I'm scooting along the wall. No one is really paying attention to anyone else but themselves," Shigaraki mumbles into the mic. "They're just complying with one another. This will be easier than I expected."

Izuku frowned, "Hey, don't jinx this yet. You're too close to mess this up,"

"Hey, who's that guy? Is he one of the interns?"

"A few of them are looking at me now." He could hear his brother fiddling with the earpiece from the sounds of rustling. "Dammit."

Izuku tapped the mic, "What do you need from me?"

"A distraction," He could hear his brother's voice despite the very low murmur coming in through the headset. It was like he was trying to make the most minimal amount of sound. "I'm close enough to the door, I just need their eyes somewhere else."

"Got it. Be ready." Izuku said in the headset's mic. With a sigh, he pushed the mic away from his mouth and directed his body towards the ends of the alleyway.

"If they want to see All Might so badly," Izuku mumbled before clearing his throat. He felt Kurogiri get closer as he cupped his hands over his mouth. Taking a deep breath, he shouted out in the loudest voice he could imagine a fanboy might have, "OH MY GOD! IT'S ALL MIGHT!"

The effect was instantaneous.

"All Might?"


"He's here?!"

Izuku smiled at the confused shouts of the press. He just needed a few moments of their attention for Shigaraki to do what he needed to do.

"OH! HIS LEGS LOOK SO MUSCULAR IN THOSE CHAPS!" Izuku channeled his inner fanboy to compliment one of his most disliked heroes. "SO STRONG~!"

"He's wearing chaps? Get the cameras ready!"

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