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The Malhotra mansion is  decorated like a beautiful bride as it's a wedding of the only  heir of Malhotra industries or to be precise the wedding of most eligible bachelor of the country..but the question is with whom??
Admist the preparation and guests we see some tense figure roaming back and forth  in order to get any solution of their problem .

The priest is chanting holy words and manik was performing the wedding rituals .

Please call the bride it's getting late" the priest said and all eyes make the way towards the aisle to see the bride but the bride was nowhere to be seen.

All were gossiping and whispering , the media was constantly clicking the pics as the identity of bride was hidden . Admist the chaos all hear the clicking of the door , the door opened and there stood a bride in a veil dressed up so beautifully. Her aura was speaking elegance.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen first of all sorry for arriving late and I hope you will enjoy our wedding " she spoke confidently while removing her veil while the reporters were continuously clicking the pics while the Malhotra family was completely dumbstruck by seeing the new face  who was claiming herself as the bride of Malhotra's and top of that no one was aware of the whereabouts of the real bride.

Manik was fuming in anger while seeing the new bride and he was helpless in that matter as the new bride claimed herself as his wife in front of the media and the real bride was missing . For the sake of his family's reputation he was quiet all the time .

The bride sat beside manik and the priest started chanting the holy mantras . Both were having mixed expression on their face . Manik was giving dead glares to the bride while putting a fake smile in front of guests and   the bride was unaffected by his glares from outside but if we talk about her inner turmoil she was scared . If looks can kill someone then she was dead till now by his glares .

She has to be strong for herself as she too was helpless in that situation but she can't voice it out . The time passed and soon they completed all the rituals.

They both stood up for "pheras"  while the priest was chanting mantras .

Manik was in front of her and she was following his steps  for the first four pheras and for the remaining three she  took the lead .

After that Manik put vermillion between  her hair  and tied the nuptial chain on her neck while tear left from her eyes as which bride wants her wedding like this . As a girl all have dreams for her wedding and most importantly she got married and no one was there to support her neither mentally nor emotionally .

"From now on you both are husband and wife " the priest declared and the guest clapped and congratulated them.

After wedding all guest started to leave and when only family members were there all were watching  her from questioning eyes

"Who are you and where is soha , why are you here in this bridal attire , why you married my son ?? Answer me " Nyeonika , Manik's mom asked without beating around the bush .

Manik anger bursted and he turned around and put his hand on her shoulder and shake her his grip was so tight that she can feel his nail digging her skin which was covered by her blouse . She was feeling helpless but she didn't utter a word

"Tell me who the hell are you ?? Why you  married me ?? Was it for money ?? I know girls like you are just gold diggers  who don't care about emotions that's why you married me . And where is Soha ?? Do you kidnap her for money and become the bride ?? Just tell me God dammit !!" He said everything in a go as she was testing his patience .

" Nandini my name is Nandini Murthy " she said while controlling her tears as it was too much for her to handle and the allegations Manik put on her was like putting salt on wounds .

Hello readers ... I know it's a small update but from next chapter I will update long chapters bear it just once
No proofreading , ignore mistakes

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What will happen next ?? (Think till the next update)
Stay safe stay blessed ✨

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