five | evolution of the daleks

Start from the beginning

Then the very same voice yelled, "They're here, I've seen them! Monsters! They're monsters!"

As he simply stared ahead of himself, the Doctor said, "It's started."

Then Solomon yelled, "We're under attack! Everyone to arms!"

Then Frank said, "Yeah, I'm ready, boss. But all of you, find a weapon! Use anything!"

And while others had frantically run around Hooverville, Solomon yelled, "Come back! We've got to stick together. It's not safe out there, come back!"

With narrowed eyes, Annabelle had continued to silently watch those that continued to run around Hooverville, shortly before Martha said to the Doctor, "We need to get out of the park."

The Doctor replied, "We can't. They're on all sides. They're driving everyone back towards us."

Then Tallulah said, "We're trapped."

In turn, Solomon yelled, "Then we stand together! Gather round! Everybody come to me! You there, Jethro, Harry, Seamus, stay together. They can't take all of us!"

While the human men had started to shoot their guns at the Pig Slaves, Martha said, "Now if we can just hold them off till daylight..."

The Doctor told her, "Oh, Martha, they're just the foot soldiers."

After turning her head and seeing one of the Daleks flying high up into the sky, Martha said, "Oh, my God!"

While Annabelle had simply tilted her head and eyed the hovering Dalek, Solomon said, "What in this world..."

Then one of the men said, "It's the devil. A devil in the sky. God save us all, it's damnation."

In turn, Frank said, "Oh, yeah? We'll see about that!"

It was then that Frank had taken a shot at the Dalek, which got the Doctor to quickly lower his arm and say, "That's not gonna work."

While Annabelle had simply stared up at the now two Daleks that continued to hover up in the air, Martha said, "There's more than one of them."

It wasn't long afterwards that the Dalek had shot its laser over at a nearby tent, which got everyone but Annabelle and the Doctor to let out screams, while the Dalek flew around the entirety of Hooverville and shot its laser at anything and everything in the park.

While those that were being shot at had continued to scream and try to run for cover, the Dalek that continued to hover just above them yelled, "The humans will surrender!"

It was then that the Doctor yelled, "Leave them alone, they've done nothing to you!" As soon as Solomon had taken a couple of steps forward, the Doctor was quick to grab him and yell, "No, Solomon, stay back!"

Instead of responding to the Doctor's words, Solomon said to the Dalek, "I'm told that I'm addressing the Daleks. Is that right? From what I hear, you're outcasts, too."

In turn, the Doctor said to him, "Solomon, don't."

Solomon told him, "Doctor, this is my township. You will respect my authority. Just let me try." Then he took a couple of steps forward with his hands raised before he asked the Daleks, "Daleks, ain't we the same? Underneath, ain't we all kin?"

After carefully putting down his gun, Solomon said, "'Cause you see, I've just discovered, this past day, that God's universe is a thousand times the size I thought it was. And that scares me. Oh, yeah, terrifies me right down to the bone. But surely, it's got to give me hope, hope that, maybe together, we can make a better tomorrow. So I beg you now, if you have any compassion in your hearts, then you'll meet with us and stop this fight." After a couple seconds of silence, he asked them, "Well? What do you say?"

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