CH 4 || Braids and Worries

Start from the beginning

I scrambled out of the car and ran up to her. "Angie!" Her head shot up. The tension left my body in a flush when she instantly brightened. "I'm so sorry I'm late, I got held up at university."

I took her backpack from her arms and gave her a tight hug which she returned just as forcefully. She was just like her mom in that regard. Out of all the people I knew, they gave the best hugs.

"It's alright, I was counting. We practiced today and our homework is to..." Her happy chatter once more filled the car, easing away the rock that had been weighing on my chest. I sent Sofia a quick text message to let her know that everything was fine and we drove home.

I couldn't help but think back to what happened in the parking lot. My face grew hot again when I thought of the way Killian had looked at us.

That's your boyfriend?

Even if I hadn't been sitting in the car at that moment I wouldn't have known how to reply. Chris had been weird lately but our relationship had been good before that.

Breaking up. The thought alone was enough to make my palms break out in a sweat. I wasn't just bad at breaking up, I royally sucked at it. Even arguments were hard for me which was why Chris and I worked so well. We rarely, if ever, fought.

Because you're a coward, the little voice inside my head pointed out.

Maybe I was a coward. My whole life, the thoughts and emotions of others had always seemed more important than my own. Habits were a scary thing.


My head snapped up. We had just entered the apartment and Angie's small hand clutched my wrist as she looked at me with concern. With a start, I noticed that the skin on the back of my hand was now angry red.


"Are you hurting yourself?"

I nearly stumbled. "No, no! It happens occasionally when I'm stressed." My eyes flickered to the bathroom door where I stored the medication. Should I increase the dose?

"Ah, okay. Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't." I shot her a reassuring smile, but it felt stiff. The back of my hand throbbed but otherwise it wasn't too bad. There was no blood at least.

She clapped her hands. "Can I brush your hair? And braid it? I want to practice."

"Sure." I laughed at her excitement. I walked into my bedroom to grab a brush and some hair ties. "Are you sure you don't want me to do your hair?"

"No, no," she replied, her tone all business-like as she arranged the ties next to her. She grabbed the brush from my hand and pointed to a cushion she'd placed on the floor.

I sat down and crossed my legs. Her strokes were a bit clumsy at first, but she quickly got the hang of it. I switched the TV on and the tension slowly started draining from my shoulders as we watched the newest episode of Kim Possible.

"Do you like it?" she piped up.

"Of course, you're a professional!"

"Good," she said. I could feel the tip of the brush gently stroke over my scalp again. I flinched when she hit the back of my head though. "Oh, was that too much pressure?"

"No... It's just, there's a spot at the back of my neck so the skin is really sensitive."

"Oh, like on your hand?"

"Yeah..." Kids really were scarily perceptive.

"Okay, I will be careful." The brush slid through my hair again but this time she made sure to move it away from my neck. "Mom says brushing hair is relaxing. Does it work?"

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