Chapter 2

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We made it.

The security hands Fel back her clutch and I take her hand once more as the double doors open.

"Mr. and Mrs. Slovak, welcome to Imitation."


"We're in." I inform the others through the speaker once the door opens and we're greeted to the sight of the wealthiest among the wealthiest gathered in one room.

"Clean up and I are on standby." Daemon responds.

"Kenna and I are on stand-by, fifteen minutes until the bidding starts." Kendrick announces as well.

"Mr. Slovak." I look up as my name is called and an older man dressed in a similar attire as mine, a suit and tie, approaches me with a huge smile on his face. "It is such an honor to finally meet you, welcome to Imitation." He says and I immediately know who he is.

"The honor is all mine Mr. Evans." I respond sticking out my hand for a shake which he eagerly takes.

"Please call me Thomas." He says and I hear Kenna's chuckle in my ear.

"Ass-kisser." She mumbles and I have to stop my smile from growing.

"This is my wife, Ayla." I introduce and Felicity draws out a hand skin forward which Thomas promptly kisses before releasing her.

"Please this way." Thomas pulls us into the throng of people in the room and begins making introductions. Only people of importance have the luxury of having one-on-one time with Eric Slovak, just because you're rich doesn't necessarily mean you're important. So that's how the next few minutes go by, making meaningless conversations with lawyers, businessmen, and politicians alike.

"Five minutes to clock in on phase one." Daemon informs us after some time has passed. "I have eyes on you, get him to move now." He says and I don't bother looking around the room trying to spot him. Instead, I give Thomas another smile as I break away from the group we were talking to into a private space.

"Thomas, I hate to break up the party, but I think it's time that you and I talk a little business before the bidding starts." I tell him and his eyes widen with understanding as he nods.

"Of course, come with me." He says and I pull Fel with me as we follow behind him.

When word had gotten out that we were pulling a heist on Imitation, someone had reached out with a job. Imitation was the one organization that always had its hands on the rarest and most expensive artifacts and this particular client was desperate to get his hands on a particular set of treasures.

As a long-time client of Imitation, Eric Slovak had reached out with a deal to buy said artifacts, and Imitation had agreed. But what they didn't know was that Eric Slovak wasn't buying anything, but we would certainly be stealing something tonight.

It was a good deal, and we had no reason to refuse, even though the code said not to conduct a job inside a job. I considered this project as one, not two.

Thomas led us out of the party and into a more quieter part of the house, as part of the plan Daemon was following close behind. None of us had ever been inside one of Imitation's functions before and we certainly had no idea where they kept their artifacts. That's why Kenna and Kendrick's roles were crucial tonight.

They were our eyes and ears, they were supposed to delete us from the world once this was all over. There was nothing those two couldn't get into we just needed to find out what kind of system they had in place for Kenna and Kendrick to hack into it and then Daemon would be able to swipe it.

Easy peasy.

The walk was long and gradually getting darker, when we finally stopped it felt as if we were under the building. Thomas paused in front of a metal door and next to me I watch as Fel blinks twice activating the camera in her contact lens which gave Kenna and Kendrick a front-row view of what was happening right now.

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