44. The Empty Teacup

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"It's done!"

Serena tapped her heel against the leg of the kitchen's table as she leaned back in her chair with Tilly sitting opposite her. The antidote was set. The potion lost its pungent smell and was ready to be consumed by the lovesick admirers.

The blue porcelain teapot filled with the antidote potion, disguised as plain black tea, was arranged on a tray with six teacups and saucers. One teacup each for her six admirers — Theo, Oliver, Ms. Baker, the two miners... and the mayor.

Her heart sank for the last one, and she breathed in a heavy sigh. She didn't like the way things ended with their last meeting.

"But it's not him. It's not him!" she scolded herself.

"It's not who?" Tilly asked, tilting her head.

But Serena shrugged her off. "No one, I was speaking to myself." She mumbled. "Come, they'll all be here soon."

She had called up each admirer to meet her at her shop that she closed for business until the chaos was resolved.

Her eyes darted to the old clock on the kitchen's faded wall. The time was near before they'll all arrive. 4pm sharp she had instructed.

"Five minutes to go." Serena said.

"How do you know if they'll drink it?" Tilly asked.

"They'll all do anything for me at the moment." Serena said and stood up, grabbing her vanity mirror from the table and flipped it open, dabbing some pink lipstick on her lips. Outside the window, a small crowd of footsteps walked up the sidewalk, their murmurings were soft and grew louder with each footstep.

"They're here," Tilly gasped with giddiness, eager to witness the anti-potion work in action.

Serena breathed in, picking up the tray carefully and walked out the kitchen to the shop's floor. Light knocks pounded the front closed door. Serena settled the tray on the counter and raised a doubtful eyebrow. The tea wouldn't taste pleasant. More like five-day-old socks mixed with muddy water. She added slices of lemon and honey, hoping it would mask the horrid flavor.

"Oh, well." Serena thought hopelessly. "I'll force it down their throats if I have to." Either way, this antidote needed to be drunk to end this foolishness once and for all. There're so much love ballads she could take from Oliver, or her name being torn to pieces by Ms. Baker with her sugarless pies. She preferred the woman to be an annoying snoop than a loved-up puppy!

Serena shook her head as the knocks pounded harder on the door. She rolled her eyes at Tilly, who stood against the wall, and blew out a tired breath, moving towards the door that wanted to burst open from the other side. But suddenly hesitated to know the mayor was with them, and her heart stilled. "Let's get this done." She murmured and willed herself forward.

Her fingers gripped the doorknob and turned to open. She faced the brooding admirers with a smile.

"Hello there," Serena cooed at the fretting bunch.

"Serena... finally," the middle-aged, stout miner exhaled with a weary smile.

"Where were you, my love?" Theo asked, grabbing her hand as the bunch shoved past each other, trying to get to Serena.

"Serena! Did you perhaps enjoy my cranberry scones?" Ms. Baker asked, with her left eye twitching.

Serena grimaced but upheld her smile. Her eyes drifted to Oliver and dropped to his hand, which clutched his damn guitar. She closed her eyes. She needed to act fast before he broke into song! He looked tired. Dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep. In fact, all of them had heavy bags under their eyes. Poor things, it looked like the love potion bit them badly.

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