7. A Walk about the Town

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"Everything is almost ready." Serena chirped.

She gazed around her newly renovated and decorated shop in satisfaction. The wooden shelves were varnished. The counters were dusted and smelled of lavender. The ceiling and plumbing were fixed with all the other broken things. The windows gleamed behind the newspaper, still stuck on the glass from public view. Serena couldn't wait to tear them off, allowing the natural light to burst through, revealing the décor of plum, pink, and light blue — with traces of gold designs on the skirtings.

The décor was finished the same way in every shop, in every town she'd visited. It reminded her of home, long ago. Gold and pink — it was the colors the women in her family represented. She stuck to wearing mostly pink, but from time to time changed color or red for seduction purposes.

The only thing left empty in the shop were the ready-made treats she still had to display and lay out on the shelves and on the glass counters. The wave of her hand could easily arrange later.

"Two days." She murmured to Cleo, who followed behind her. "It will be the summer solstice. Then we'll open."

Serena always opened her shop either on the winter or summer solstice, whichever season was present. It was considered good luck. She needed good fortune in her endeavors.

"But for now, I'll greet the town and introduce 'Madam Serena' with all my tempting treats!" she smiled and winked at Cleo. Jinx was nowhere to be seen. Probably stealing something again, Serena sighed.

She grabbed a tray of assorted treats she made as samples for promotion. Little squares of fudge, candy wrapped sweets, multi-colored lollipops and her specialty — milk chocolate truffles! Serena reached for her vanity mirror and touched up her lips with a dab of red lipstick. She needed to look the part for advertising this afternoon. Her pouty mouth quickly uttered the words into her mirror and checked out the scene in the town quickly. Nothing to report. The dullness itching at her skin.

She turned to Cleo. "You stay here and look after the shop. Remember, no one goes into the kitchen. It's off limits — especially to Jinx, too."

She sauntered to the front door, with the tray balanced in her left hand. Her right hand pulling down on her tight violet skirt that matched her dark purple three-quarter top. Showing just the right amount of cleavage. She shook out her long raven black hair that she styled back with glittery pins and walked out with poise.

The sun blinded her eyes as she stepped out onto the cobbled street. She stood with her hand on her hip as she observed the residents walking about in their coats and cardigans for their ho-hum business. This was the first time she'll meet them, and she needed to make a good impression, or they won't buy her treats and come to her for needed advice.

A few residents walked by Serena as she stood at the shop's door with something sweet and tempting, along with a flirty smile that was inviting them in. They took shy glances at her tray, but they wouldn't budge near her. They didn't inch close. Their smiles were guarded, and suspicion crossed their eyes.

Serena huffed out. "This might be a tough town to crack." But she didn't mind the challenge. It just meant more fun to be had. If the deadening people of Finchdale won't come to her, she'll go to them!

She walked along the street. Her 4'inch heels struggled a moment on the cobbled steps. But not to worry, she was an expert. A group of children aged between six to eleven stood in a huddle at the corner of the street. Serena walked swiftly to them. Children were always easy targets when it came to candy.

"Would you like some treats?" She smiled sweetly at the three little boys and two girls.

They stared at her curiously and peeked at her vibrant lollipops. "I'm opening a delicious shop across the street. Here are some yummy sweets you pretty girls and good boys can come and get." She bent down and offered her tray.

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