I rocked back and forth on my feet, creating an opportunity to bump into him. "Well, maybe I did it as a favor to you, too."

"You did a favor for me?"

"You asked me so nicely last night."

He chuckled and went back to looking at the ground, his thumbs running up and down the straps of his backpack. "You know, I wasn't asked to switch names with you. I'm the one who asked to switch."

I ambled along a few steps, trying to swallow past the jumble of emotions that suddenly clogged my throat. "Why?"

"Because I wanted to get to know you better. And I'm glad I did. You're actually kind of cool."

"You're just now realizing that?"

My quip helped break some of the tension, and we stopped at the far corner of the field near the scoreboard. It offered us some protection from prying eyes, which I welcomed.

Brett turned to face me. "You're not going to make this easy for me, are you?"

I set my messenger bag down on the grass. Something told me we were going to be here for a while. "I never make anything easy for anybody."

"No shit." He kicked at the ground. "I know you don't want to talk about it, but there's a definite chemistry between us."

My stomach knotted. "You mean what happened in the janitor's closet?"

"And my bedroom."

"And I bet you were hoping we could continue to hook up?"

"Yes-I mean, no-" He slung his backpack on the ground again and moved toward me.

My head swam, and warning bells went off. I backed away before he kissed me in front of everyone in the school. It was one thing to suffer temporary insanity behind closed doors. It was an entirely different thing to lose it on campus where other students could see us, even if the scoreboard was partially concealing us. "Stop, Brett, please."

My voice sounded high, strained, panicked.

But it had the desired effect. He froze right where he was. Then his face hardened. "Damn it, Lexi, what is your problem?"

"This is my problem." I pointed to the buildings of the school, sweeping my finger across the campus at all the students. "If someone saw us kissing, do you realize what a field day they'd have with it?"


"Well, then forget the student body in general. What would Summer do? Sanchez? The rest of the team? Do you realize how much shit they'd give you for being with me?"

"I can handle them." He took another step toward me, but I retreated. "Scared?"

"No, but I don't need the extra headache."

"Bullshit." He crossed his arms, growing more distant.

And as much as my heart ached to witness the change in him, my mind rejoiced. I'd keep pushing him away. It was best for both of us.

"Why are you afraid to admit you have a thing for me?" he asked.

I wanted to lie and say I didn't, but there was too much evidence against me. He'd seen how I responded to his touch, to his kiss. He knew the difference between my furious face and my flustered face, and he knew how easily I melted into his arms.

I leaned back against the scoreboard and sighed. "Fine, I admit I have a thing for you. I'll go as far as to admit that I really like kissing you."

"Then why are you acting this way?"

"Because when we're together, it's too intense, too hot. It's like throwing a lighted match into a warehouse full of fireworks-one big, beautiful explosion that will leave nothing but ashes once the smoke clears." I paused then added, "And I don't want to do that to you."

Confessions of a Queen B*Where stories live. Discover now