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"wak... u...-p".

aki slowly opened his eyes to see power waving her hands over his still sleepy eyes. aki groaned with frustration. denji then ran inside his room and blew a blowhorn into his ear. "cmon aki you got work remember". power yawned and walked out with meowy on her shoulder. denji chuckled at powers silly antics. "its like.. 7:00, work starts at 4:00..". denji widened his mouth acting surprised as if he wanted to care. "uhh.. yeah whatever topknot just sleep more i guess". denji then ran out the door shutting the door to his bedroom causing aki to sleep in the comforting darkness again. he was continuing to sleep until he heard a beep from his phone. 'how could anybody be awake right now..'. aki rubbed his eyes and grabbed his phone to check. he noticed that it was sent by a new number. he checked the message they sent and was confused by the message. the numbers name was just 'unknown'. until he got another message coming from it. "hello aki hayakawa, ur excused from work today since we have a problem here at the office". he then realized it was makima. he responded with a simple "alright thank you ms". he put his phone down happy not wanting to work, he just wanted to sleep.

an hour pasts..


aki walks out with a white shirt and pajama pants all wrinkled from a good sleep. he stretched and yawned finding power and denji flashing him with that bright smile they always use. "you guys wanna go shopping today..?". aki said tiredly still rubbing his eyes from the light. "yeah!! can we buy more of those biscuits i found from the closet". power nodded excitedly telling him that she liked them too". aki didnt know what they were talking about until he realized. aki sighed, "by biscuits you mean.. dog biscuits..?". denjis and powers smile dropped as they looked at eachother in disgust. "n-no way a beautiful package like that would be dog biscuits!!". power shook denji not wanting to believe the news. "we are them last night.. ill get the bag from the trash.". denji got off the couch and walked to the kitchen to reach into the garbage can. denjis head peeled up as he found the supposedly "good" biscuits. he showed the bag causing aki to put his face into his hands. he walked up to denji and grabbed the bag out of his hands. "you guys have to start reading labels..". aki groaned once more and pointed to the label. 'dog biscuits'. power and denji screamed in confusion yet anger when they saw the label.

power looked at denji. "denji.. my brother, my bro, my buddy. how could we eat those things!!". denji put his hands on his head and looked at power. "im not sure. maybe something got a hold of us". power was about to say something until she realized something. "why do we even have those biscuits". denji looked at aki. "theres a dog that used to come by, so i would feed it time to time". denji put his hand over his mouth. "who knew our aki would be this nice". aki shook his head. "cmon lets hurry and go shopping". power put meowy on a pillow on the couch and pet her. "well be back meowy be good okay". meowy snuggled up onto the pillow and snored quietly. power locked the door and walked out.

denji was messing around with power as they were walking down the stairs. aki continued to walk down as if they couldnt hear them. denji then ran up to aki since him and power were slowing down behind him. "cmon slowpoke!!". power was running toward them. "the only slowpoke is you!!". she poked denji in the chest and laughed. aki turned around and handed each of them a gum packet. "stay quiet until we get to the car". denji grabbed a gum packet and nodded. power snatched one too and nodded aswell. the two of them did agree to be quiet anyway. they all finally reached the car which felt like forever. aki sat into the drivers seat and started up the car. denji taking shotgun and power sitting in the back.

the car was beginning to drive and denji decided to turn on the radio since it was starting to be quiet. some songs played and denji and power was swaying silently in the car. some songs have past and finally news announcement came on and announced something was happening near the grocery store they were going too, 'hello and we are here today with ms makima to announce that we have some trouble near martwal, mind if you explain whats he happening maam?'. akis eyes widened when the news reported had said "makima", is this what she meant by trouble?". he continued to listen in the radio while denji and power were just looking out the window quietly.

'haha yes of course, theres ghost here whos sign is from a haunted house not too far from here'. aki  CEO's tilted his head, 'a haunted house not too far from here?'. angel suddenly popped up into his mind. from one of his and angels chats he knew that angel told him that he never went out, occasionally he did but not too far from his house, especially not in public places. akis head was starting to hurt from this. he was starting to void out until power shouted. "yayy were here, cmon denji!!". denji smiled and walked out with her. aki was gonna walk out until he felt an uneasy breeze.

they all were walking together and was about to walk inside until somebody pulled him inside. denji and  power was about to walk in until they saw him get pulled. "hey aki y-". denji got cut off as he was handed a shopping list, "go and get a shopping cart without me, ill see you two soon kay". denji and power nodded not wanting to do with what was happening. "hello hayakawa, i thought i told you were off today?". he turned around to see makima with her cunning smile of hers. she let go to let him speak. "i decided to go shopping with my family thats all". makima looked over his shoulder to view his somewhat family. "how cute they are, but now that your here-..". aki cut her off. "im on break right now maam". makima widened her mouth then softly smiled again. "very well, just remember to come by tomorrow". aki nodded as he walked inside, he met with denji and power seeing them trying to sneak dog biscuits into their cart. aki chuckled at the silly sight of them. "dammit..", denji said defeated. "we couldnt help ourselves topknot!!". aki laughed, "ill just buy you guys your favorite candy". denji and power looked at aki with sparkles in their eyes. "aha really!!", they both said happily. aki nodded with a smile on their face. "you guys find the rest, ill go wait for a spot for meat".

denji and power saluted and walked away to find the other stuff. aki was walking toward the meat section until somebody grabbed him by the arm. he turned around and saw somebody familiar. "a..angel??".

angel didnt look the same he did from when he was in the haunted house. "you took to long to get here aki!". aki scratched his neck. "why are you.. um.. alive?". angel let go of his hand, "i decided to come look for you, but since i cant go out being seen in my ghost form, i took my human form instead". aki continued to listen to his conversation finally being able to hear his voice instead of his quiet mumbling. 'he looks so much cuter in human form.. wait no, what the hell am i saying??". angel slapped him with his hand. "make sure to come to the house tomorrow". angel then turned into mist and appeared in his ghost form once again. he was about to float away until he grabbed onto his wing.


"you look much cuter in your human form.."

cursed ! 𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt