chapter twelve

204 7 1

April 23, 2000 (Saturday)

        The orange and neon green magic was more visible and larger than earlier. Harry's was getting stronger. He might actually win this.

I secretly hope he does.

        I ran towards them, more towards the middle ground between them. I used all my strength to fight with Harry's magic. A darker green shot from my wand, joining from another direction. My father and Harry stared at me, both in shock.

        "Rylin! No!" Voldemort screeched, standing his ground even more.

        Mine and Harry's magic were getting closer to my father faster. We might be able to actually do it. Harry smiled at me, looking down at my arm.

Again with the dark mark?

       I gritted my teeth in order to stand my ground as well. I didn't think this would be so difficult with two wizards.

        "You're making the wrong choice, my daughter! Join me, join me on the right side!" Voldemort yelled, making me waver slightly.

        "You deserve to die after how you've treated us and our friends, you fucking asshole!" I yelled back, gaining power. My anger issues are helpful for once.

        "Ry, stop!" Someone yelled over the fight. I turned and saw him, coming from the remains of the building.


        "Theo, stay back! You're going to get hurt!" I screamed, trying to stay concentrated on my magic.

        Theo started coming closer. Harry looked at me with concern. "Ry, give up. You can't fight him anymore. You have to let him win." Theo shouted. I stared at him, my dark green magic wavering.

        "I can't just give up. We'll die! All of us will die!" How could he say that? He knows Voldemort will kill us. "He's your dad, you have to stop! Why are you fighting with Potter? He's never done anything good for us, for you. You have to let him be killed!" Theo continued, still coming closer.

        "Yes, Rylin. Join me and we can end this. Just like how it should have been eighteen years ago!" Voldemort yelled. Theo was at my side now.

        In one movement, he grabbed my right arm and pushed it down, making my wand fall. My magic disappeared instantly.

        "No!" I screeched, watching my father's neon green overtake Harry's orange. Harry was shot backwards, falling limp.


         I ran as fast as I could, falling next to him. His eyes were shut and he wasn't moving. "No, no, no. Harry, listen to me. It's ok, it's going to be ok." I held the upper half of his body in my lap and started to cry.

        "Don't let him control you, Ry..." Harry mumbled, his eyes fluttering open and closed. "Sh... just hold on. We can get help. I can help you." I looked up and saw Theo and Voldemort, both standing and watching.

        "Help him! Theo, come on!" I shrieked, tears blurring my vision. They didn't move. "Theo!"

        Harry's body was getting colder by the second. The shoulder of Harry's army green jacket was turning dark.

        What is that? How is he bleeding?


        My left forearm started to sting, burning past the point of tolerance. My dark mark was covered in blood, throbbing pain. I winced as the pain increased, making my whole body shudder.

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