chapter eight

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March 26, 2000 (Saturday)

        Trial day. Possibly the most excited I've been in a long time. I get to see Theo today. In just under an hour he'll be there. I'll see that he's alive and has been this whole time.

        I've been jittery nonstop since I got up this morning. I can't wait to see him. All I've been waiting for is happening today.

        Mattheo, Tom, and I all dressed in dark robes that hid our faces so no one knew who we were. They just gave me flashbacks to our death eater days which is not a good memory to be stuck with. But it's worth struggling in the memory if I get to see him.

        We used the floo network to go straight to the Ministry, arriving outside in a main hall. Harry and Ron should be around here somewhere.

        "Where the hell are they?" I asked, all of us turning to catch a glimpse of the pair. "Potter told us he'd meet us in the South hall so we'd get directly into seats inside." Tom explained, tapping his foot in annoyance. "Are you sure this is the South hall?" Mattheo asked. "Yes. I know it is. Maybe we're just early." Tom continued.

        I watched as dozens of people crowded into the courtroom. They're all here to see Theo's trial? Why do they even care? How'd they even hear about it?

       "Finally. I was beginning to think you set us up." Mattheo said, swinging his voice like I do when I'm nervous. I don't know why he's nervous. The ginger and dark haired boy approached us, both wearing their dark uniforms.

       "We were busy handing things for the trial. Come on." Ron told us, waving us towards a door. "If you pull any shit whatsoever in here, we'll alert all the guards. You guys get one shot." Harry threatened, holding open a door and scanning the hall behind us.

       "Deal." I mumbled, nodding at him. My brothers didn't seem to notice.

        Harry and Ron shut the door behind us as we found open seats towards the bottom rows. Each row of seats were elevated higher than those behind it, similar to a muggle stadium. There was a large circle platform in the center of the room with a runway type of floor leading to a back door. A chair with straps galore attached to the arms and legs sat in the center of the platform. The board table was in front of the circle platform, holding seven seats for the jurors.

       Everyone in the room was talking, some louder and some indistinguishable mumbles. People were way too lively for this kind of trial. A line of old men all entered, turning the room silent. They must be the jurors.

       "Those are the people that Theo's life is on the line with? You have to be joking." Mattheo complained, nudging me slightly. I was in between my brothers. It's my instinct to use them as a safety net of sorts.

I wonder if Draco made it.

        A few whispers filled the room as a loud click rang out.  I watched as four figures emerged from the back of the runway platform. The first one was a muscular man, over six feet tall too.

Then I saw him.

Everything froze and everything was silent.


        Theo had chains attaching his hands together and his ankles together. Harry one holding one of his arms while Ron held the other. Theo looked horrible. Even from here he looked dirty, his chestnut hair was sticking out in every direction and his clothes were ripped. He wore a dark gray and black striped jumpsuit with 58 printed on the left chest.

        Theo stared at the ground as he walked, the chains dragging on the ground. They guided him all the way to infront of the chair before stopping.

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