"Aegon has been a decent Hand," Aemond teased, grinning at his elder brother. "I am still unsure whether I will dismiss him or not."

"Ah, my sweet boy," Elowen grinned, reaching her other hand out towards Aemond. "You came to see me."

An eye of purple and a sapphire shone with unshed tears, as Aemond tried to hold himself together. Behind him his wife, Rhaena, placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Nothing is more urgent or important than you, mother." Aemond's voice cracked from the strain of holding back tears.

Following Lucerys's return to the Red Keep, Aemond and he had spoken with Elowen and Rhaena oversaw the conversation, steering the men towards a peaceful understanding. With the bond between uncle and nephew restored and Rhaena's encouragement, Aemond found the courage to slowly stop wearing his eyepatch.

A child had come in Aemond and Rhaena's first year of marriage, the King had lifted his wife up by her hips and spun her around following the happy news. To the court Aemond appeared overjoyed, but in private he sought out his mother, speaking of his fears. He worried that his scar and missing eye would scare his child. Elowen assuaged his fears and urged him to share his doubts with his wife.

On the eve of the second anniversary of Aemond's coronation a child's cries interrupted the still morning air as a new prince entered the world. Prince Aurion took after his father except for his looks and disposition which he shared with his mother. Aurion was the pride of King's Landing, often joining his mother and grandmother on their visits into the city. And when his sister, Valaena, was born Aurion attempted to steal the babe, claiming the small princess was his. By the time Aemon was born three years later, many expected a repeat of the attempted abduction. Though Aurion merely glanced down at the babe before grabbing his sister's hand and pulling her from the room. He was a little more interested when his mother's next pregnancy ended with three babes. Rhaenys, Rhaella, and Rhaegon were a marvel to maesters and small folk alike. Revered as 'The Three Dragons' they were celebrated and beloved by the realm.

"I love you," Elowen's smile grew watery as she looked at each of her children. "I love all of you."

Helena whimpered at her mother's words, turning to bury her face in her husband's chest. Jace welcomed his wife into his arms, wrapping himself around her as he pressed kisses to her hairline and whispered words of comfort.

Jace and Helaena's betrothal and marriage had been a shock to those that lived outside of King's Landing, but to those who called the city home it was no surprise. The celebration had been grand, held in the royal gardens as opposed to the Great Hall. Jace and Helaena had spent the night spinning under the stars and surrounded by beautiful flowers and butterflies dancing in the wind. Within the first year of their marriage Helaena was expecting their first child. As Aegon and Alyssa returned to the Red Keep, Helaena laid on the birthing bed with her mother and husband at her side. Alyssa rushed into the room, to her sister as a loud cry was heard. The arrival of a son was heartily announced, as Jace scooped his wife into his arms and kissed her. Tears and whispered words of thanks fell from Jace's lips as the babe was placed into Helaena's grasp. Named after his grandsire, Laenor Velaryon looked nothing like his namesake but grew to hold the same values.

Three years later with the Red Keep blanketed in an inky darkness Helaena welcomed two babes, Jahaerys and Jaehaera. The twins shared the same dark locks as their father, the Master of Coin. Laenor beamed as he saw his younger brother and sister for the first time.

"Oh my Butterfly," Elowen whispered, she itched to leave her bed and reach out for her daughter and soothe her tears but her body would not obey her mind. "Do not cry."

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