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"hey yn" mg said "hey mg what's going on" I asked "Nothing much, Josie is looking for you" mg said "alright" I said I walked to Josie room "you told them!" Josie said "told them what" I said "She new!" lizzie said Josie turned back to me realizing I never told lizzie or hope or anyone anything "you told her but not your real friend, not your own twin sister" lizzie asked "look lizzie im sorry she told me not to" lizzie said "ya don't care, stay out of this!" lizzie sceamed "girls what going on" Caroline said "Josie a vampire!" lizzie scream they took a deep breath "ik" alaric said "they new too" lizzie said Josie nod "don't bother ever coming near me again yn!" lizzie screamed in my face and left I looked down "LIZZIE!" Josie screamed running out "hope she asked me to" I asked "ik" hope said

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