xx - chaos

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not fucking funny

i find it quite humorous

what the fuck do i do?
she's going to expose me

well you should've been better at hiding your jealousy

ok fuck you.
i wasn't jealous, it just wasn't fair
and it was my first time trying it.
cut me some slack

i've never failed

ok asshole

i'm still drunk fyi
but if you don't want to do the 'deed'
then just blackmail her
i have a few things up my sleeve i'm willing to share but you'll owe me

owe you what?

when the time comes you'll just have to do whatever i say

wtf no

ok then go lose all your friends and be miserable idc

just tell me you stupid gatekeeper

that's not how you speak to someone you want to please

wow. i'm sorry.
that was out of line of me...
could you make me the
happiest girl in the world and forgive me?
i would be so very honored and delighted if you could pass me some useful information
thank you ^_^

was the emoticon really necessary?

^_^ what ever ^_^ do ^_^ you ^_^ mean?

do we have a deal?
all i ask is for a small favor and i'll grant you the key to keeping her mouth shut

sure whatever
just tell me if the favor is something that's within my reach like i can actually carry it out?

it will be
i haven't thought of it yet but
you'll see, it won't be impossible

ok. fine. whatever

she framed her ex boyfriend of embezzlement because he cheated on her

ok what..

not good enough?
she also drugged
the girl who he cheated on her with
she overdosed and was committed to the hospital where she turned up to be pregnant but the baby was already dead when she found out because of the drugs


did you think Wren was innocent?

no, she's a bitch.
i just... i don't know.
that's horrible to think about

don't act sympathetic
you wouldn't care if it weren't by wrens hands
you want to villainize her to justify your hatred towards her but really you were envious her mother actually loved her

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