xv - pulp

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are you ready?
we're about to head out in a few

i don't know what to wear

you can wear anything

i know but what if it looks bad



It won't look bad.

how would you know

because you're June

what's that supposed to mean?

make haste love

Rafe's subtle flirtations did not go unnoticed by June. He would be the death of her. She simply didn't know how to function when he would say things like that. It wasn't a pragmatic problem that one could easily google search the answer of.

Clinging to the very little sanity she had remaining to keep her cool. June couldn't act too desperate (even though she was but only for him) it would ruin her nonexistent reputation. She'd developed a rather risky affinity with second guessing herself. Her indecisiveness was the second thing slowly rotting her inside out.

But with Rafe, she knew.

June wanted him to need her like he needed water. Needed blood to rush to his head, mouth dry, thirsty. And the only thing to satisfy his yearning was her. The only thing that could subside the agony in his temple was her. The only thing to bring him any sort of relief was her.

He could not live without her.

And she without him.

Her hand reached into her suitcase, fishing out another one of her many dresses. But in this particular case, this one, reminded her of Rafe.

It's this godawful spaghetti strapped silky teal gown her mother had purchased for her prom. Rafe had made a snarky remark about it last night but June had been too flustered with recent memories to fight back. Though he had added it was in the shade of his favorite color, she'd still disregarded him completely.

He'd smiled against the kiss.

A dark, haunting chuckle buzzing through their locked lips. Ripping through the shell of a person she was, and straight to the bloody, beating heart.

At the time, he was right there, in front of her. But her mind kept reverting to their past. She caught herself, was she falling for him, or the idea of him? Weren't those the same anyway?

June tossed the dress aside by one of the straps. Settling for a sable dress with long sleeves, a sweetheart neckline and a flowing skirt that went up to her thighs. Adding a pair of shorts and sheer tights considering the windy weather.

And if she got cold, she shrugged on her good old leather jacket. Smacking her lips to blend in the reddish pink she'd applied. Spraying an orchid perfume. Ruffling her hair and checking herself out in the mirror one more time before leaving.

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