October 28th, 1993

41 5 16

𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃

Theodore Nott was a simple boy. For nearly fourteen years, he slid under the radar... for the most part. He faded into the background just about everywhere he went and preferred it that way.

There were the occasional moments in the spotlight. Times when he couldn't just fade into the background. Those typically came with his father's parties. Rare, but they happened. He would take a moment to show off his son. "Theodore, top of his class." "Theodore never had a detention." "Theodore, stunning reports in his Potions class."

There were also the few people that paid him extra attention. People that could get little out of the boy and yet still seemed to linger their gaze or make attempts at conversation. Tracey Davis being the most notable, her flustered attitude with him appearing right around when they were partnered in Potions the year prior. Her friends were also in this category, continually teasing the girl in the most obvious of ways over any moment the boy addressed the girl.

And for nearly fourteen years, that was it. A few moments in the spotlight and an almost nonexistent list of people paid the boy a second look.

Then the Blackwell came along. Her unfair beauty being so easy and confident that one simply had to turn her way. Her sickeningly calming voice always looking to fill the world, drawing in anyone able to listen. Her unnatural eyes, carrying powers that demanded an audience.

Everything about her brought people in, for she was a Blackwell. A name that Theodore knew the history behind. A name that Theodore knew the power of. A name that Theodore knew to never mess with.

Which is why he was, of course, the one stuck with her. And in turn, her inhuman ability to grab any and all attention.

What Theodore Nott would have given to lose the girl...


"Happy Birthday, Nott."

It was merely a formality, a thing you just say because one's day of birth is undoubtedly a thing to celebrate.

And yet, every time someone congratulated the boy, he seemed to grow that much more distant. Iris had noticed it when she said the same thing to the boy. Seeing the way he flinched back as if just reminded of a terrible event.

Tracey seemed just as aware of the fact, her doe-like eyes sad and locked on the boy all of breakfast.

"Iris, when we go to Hogsmeade, you've gotta go into the Shrieking Shack with me," said Valeria, "Sally says that she isn't dumb enough to be the main character in a horror film."

Iris moved her gaze from her book, "I'm not going this trip."

Sally shot her head towards Iris, exclaiming, "But it's the first one!"

Iris shrugged, eyes returning to her book, "I never got my slip signed."

"As if you care about the rules. Come on, Iris, you could probably sneak out. We would help," the two other girls nodded, clearly already thinking up plans.

Iris brought her eyes back up for a moment, "The teachers will be gunning for me on Hogsmeade trip days. And besides, I'm not really feeling up for much adventure right now."

The girls eyed their roommate for a moment but ultimately left it. Leaving the duo of Iris Blackwell and Theodore Nott to their breakfast.

Iris half-reading a book, her usual morning pep lost as she studied the boy on her left.

Theodore, stabbing the waffle once more as Millicent Bulstrode called out yet another, "Happy Birthday."


𝒯𝑜 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝐵𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈Where stories live. Discover now