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i sometimes wonder why i'm so annoying.

 why i always feel the need to add onto the conversation.                                                                                   i hate it. i hate my voice. i hate my laugh. i hate the way i speak. i hate everything about myself. 

i hate how i can hear my friends talking behind my back right in-front of me. i hate how i will never be as close to my friends as they are to each other. i hate that they hang out without me. i hate how their families are able to hang out but mine never gets invited. 

i hate how i'm always left out. i hate how they always team up against me. i hate how i'm never valued. i hate everything so much. i hate how my mom doesn't think of me as her child anymore. i hate how my mom just yells at me. i hate my mom loves my sister more than i do.

 i hate everything. i hate it so much that i hate hating it. yes, hate is a strong word. it's strong for a reason. i just hate it all. i want to disappear. there is nothing left for me here anymore. why can't i ever be the important person. why am i always second.

 i just don't get it. i really don't. i'm so done. i'm so tired.

 i'm tired because of all of the hate. 


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