Chapter 14 **Chance!**

Start from the beginning

I was out now, and I did have a reason to stay out...It's just...

I didn't...Get to say goodbye or anything. I didn't get to see him one last time.

Because, I probably won't see him again...Because...I won't be coming back!

"I won't be returning and...You must thank His Highness for me."


Jorne slammed his desk in pure rage!

How could she just disappear! Again!

He had someone watching her!

He had someone standing by, ready to get her out of harm's way!

They had gone through so much trouble to search Lady Venus's quarters and yes, there was evidence of keeping someone bound and locked up, however much they try to hide it but...Oliver hadn't been there!


Excuses were said and since there was no one hurt, nothing could be done!

All that was determined was that Lady Venus had to move elsewhere, while they were to 'redecorate' her quarters!

Jorne had wanted to go there himself but could only clench his fist while standing right at the doors of his younger brother's quarters.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Jorne put his back against his chair and put his limp hands to his sides.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. I didn't expect to suddenly black out, only to see that nothing different seemed to have happened afterwards."

Jorne opened his eyes and sat up straight, "It had to be her, but the barrel must have changed! You had been seen!"

"My apologies, Your Highness!"

His subordinate had followed that barrel, having seen it to be suspicious, but as soon as the subordinate was going to investigate inside it, the bodyguard was hit in the back to a faint and so when the subordinate had woken, the barrel was already just about ready to be moved back again.

"It has to have been! But how..."

Jorne remembered what his subordinate said after Lady Venus received the barrel back. Lady Venus had been angry!

The idea seems to be that Oliver had indeed been in the barrel, the barrel had been switched and not only he, but even Lady Venus didn't know what had happened!

Could it have been...

Frowning, Jorne stood.

"Let us see my brother!"

Upon having to wait for his brother to finish with one of his tutors, Jorne leaned against the wall.

He was impatient...So impatient!

He'd already lost her once!

Why, why does she always slip through his fingers!?

There was only one good thing about this, and that was that it seemed she had not died.

Relief flooded through him upon being sure on this fact but...He was not satisfied, he wanted her by his side!

He wanted to see her, be able to touch her but she...

As much as he tried to think of other possibilities, his brother was the only one that might have let her go!

And there was nothing else but to get her back!

"Eld...Elder brother!"

Looking at his younger brother from the side, Jorne saw that he was stuttering.

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