Chapter Four: Heat and Fire

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"What happened last night?" I heard Schlatt say loudly with his mouth full of cereal, "There was so much screaming and yelling from the girls room." Quackity laughed and he rolled his eyes, "Not like that."

"Holy shit look!" Quackity pointed to a figure walking in. Her hair was messy, makeup smeared, and bags were under her eyes. To be quite honest, she was almost unrecognizable. Jessa's normally curly hair was sticking up and it was a little funny.

"What happened to you?" Angelo offered her a seat next to him. She shook her head and walked to our room, likely to get herself cleaned up. It was obvious that she hadn't gotten any sleep. It was almost eleven at night when she ran out, and it was now a ripe six forty-eight in the morning.

Wordlessly she got ready for the day and joined us twenty minutes later. She wasn't speaking much, just a few hushed words to Angelo. Me and the rest of the girls were beyond worried, had she really gotten that upset? Deciding not to push the subject of the fake necklace I said, "You couldn't have been gone all night! I'm sorry- why didn't you come back?"

"Don't play innocent," She spat. "Actually what is your problem?" I just awkwardly looked away and she scoffed. Pokimane put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and we continued to finish up our conversation and breakfast.

Chase walked into the room, a bright look on his face. Holding up his clipboard he announced, "Welcome to Episode Three of Paradise Island! Today we have a shocking plot twist! A guest member will be joining us for the day, so please give a warm welcome to Ranboo!" (I am using He/they for them so please let me know if that's correct because I'm not up-to-date with their pronouns).

He waved to everyone as he entered the living room. Dream smiled and waved back, it was nice to see a familiar face. Me and Ranboo had done two collab streams together so far, and they were really nice.

"It's nice to see everyone!" He said, "Especially you Y/n, it's nice to meet you in real life!"

"Right back at ya," I replied lightheartedly, "Things are just different irl."

Ranboo chatted to some other people while Chase discussed something to one of the editors. Today would be a really interesting day because we were going to have our first challenge, "Seven Minutes of Silence." It was similar to "Seven Minutes in Heaven" except no funny business was going to go down, it would just be a casual chat.

We all gathered around the bottle in the living room. Ranboo went first and landed on Quackity; that was going to be an interesting chat. Three pairs could go in at once because there were three closets. Jessa spun the bottle next and landed on Wilbur. Finally it was my turn to spin the bottle. Nervously I grabbed the smooth bootle and spun it in a circle. It rotated faster and faster, then slower and slower until it finally stopped and landed on Dream. Clay smiled, "So we meet again Y/n." He smiled and we went to the living room closet. Before the show had started they cleared out all the old mops and things that were residing inside if it.

"So where were you born?" He started off with some small-talk. The space was small, but surprisingly I didn't feel claustrophobic.

"I was born in Paris during my parents vacation," I said, "But i'm raised and living in England. What about you?"

"Born and raised in Miami," Dream explained, "Currently living in Orlando Florida."

The two of us were quite close to each other and I could feel the warmth of his breath. My eyes widened as he leaned in closer to me, "I know its against the rules but... why waste anymore time?"

Gently Clay leaned in and our lips interlocked into a passionate kiss. My eyes widened; I hadn't expected to move so quickly, yet here I was. The two of us moved almost at once. We tried to be silent but things were beginning to heat up. He pinned me into a corner of the closet and began to kiss my neck and remove my top when suddenly- the timer rang. In our panic we hurriedly tried to straighten our hair and clothing.

"Steady your breathing," I whispered, "We can't let anyone get suspicious. "He nodded his head and we left the room. This interaction would be our dirty little secret, and my was it amazing. My mind began to wander; had he treated anybody else like that? With the same devotion and lust? If so, I was terribly envious. Still calming down from that high, I noticed Jessa beside me. She seemed more solemn and frustrated than before. Did I notice a hint of jealousy?

The living room fireplace crackled and was much unnecessary in the smoldering island heat. It did provide a certain ambiance however, which is probably why they chose it for the show. I shifted uncomfortably in the heat, despite being indoors it was still warm from the fire.

"And that wraps up Episode Three already!" Chase announced to our relief. Everyone else went off to stream except me, I'd done so the previous day already. Jessa was relaxing on the sofa, and Angelo was probably acting as guest with the boys. Ranboo was chatting to somebody on the phone, so it was a good idea to try and make amends with the other girl.

Something inside me just couldn't sit with that fact though. She had lied and tried to frame me, so there was no point in playing dumb. Marching up to her position on the seat I demanded, "I want some answers Jess, and I want them now. Don't pretend you don't understanding what I'm talking about. Made in China, it said."

"Okay and-?" She scoffed, "I'm really not in the mood darling, and I've done nothing wrong. Would you please be a dear and leave me alone?"

I bit my lip to suppress my rage and walked off, frustrated. Perhaps some things were better left undealt with. All I knew was that me and Clay had seriously connected with each other, and truthfully that was all that mattered. It was a successful day on my part, and if she wanted to hate on our relationship; or whatever was going on with her, that was none of my business. 


1085 Words! I am loving the grind of this book right now, I just have so many ideas! I hope your enjoying it so far. Please remember to follow and vote! Sharing the book to your friend gets me more reads and I would really appreciate if you did that. <3 Aurora

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