Chapter Two: Minx Vs. Schlatt

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"And here," Chase was giving the grand tour, "Is the luxury kitchen. Both the men and women will be sharing it. Oh! If you look over there," He waves his hands for the cameras to turn again, "Is the massive living room complete with red velvet seats only made from the finest Italian yarn."

The entire group began to shuffle down the corridors until we came to the mens room. Chase then announced proudly, "It's complete with four computers, one for each of you! You're allowed to do a one-hour stream every other day, or two half-hour streams every day. We'd allow for more, but you all need to get to know each other!"

"I already know Minx well enough," I heard Schlatt mumble, "Pain on my life." I sighed, did anybody here actually care? I might not have been looking for love, but if we at least acted we did the views would pour in.

I was still doubting whether this show would even make it past the first episode when he led us to the last room. It was a near-exact duplicate of the mens room, just slightly different orientation. There were also two vanities instead of just one. At least they made an effort to provide.

"Make yourselves comfortable contestants!" Dramatic music began to play, "Tonight, at 8:00 PM sharp-" Mist began to come in from grates on the walls and drifted at our heels, "There will be a challenge! Who goes on their first dates! How exciting! While some of you may already have history, it will be a great chance to figure out who's who! There will be an intense voting session, and the person with the least votes will be forced to jump into a pool of near-freezing cold water!"

Everyone applauded and went in different directions. Pokimane immediately went to the stream, and Nihachu started taking pictures of herself to post on Instagram. I saw Schlatt and the new guy, Angelo, hit it off talking about Wii sports. JustaMinx was sobbing in the corner while unpacking her things, and I began to unpack my own. Quackity and Wilbur were probably unpacking things as well, or just chatting. The two were pretty good friends.

I saw Jessa walk out of the room while brushing her hair. She sat down on one of the couches and pulled out a simple laptop. Her curly hair juggled as she typed into it, and I saw Dream approach her through the open door. Worried I would miss out on the action, I hurriedly put my things away and approached the two. Jess gave me a "back off" glare, but I ignored it and sat down on the other side of Dream so that he was sandwiched between the two of us.

"Hi Dream," I smiled, "Or may I just call you Clay?"

"Hey Y/n!" He grinned back, "Of course you can just call me Clay! We're all going to be friends after this, maybe even more. Who knows?" He chuckled, "Anyways, I promised myself I wouldn't talk about content creation here, but I must ask you Y/n, where did you come up with your creative username? I mean, U/n is really a unique choice.

"I actually made it up when I was just a kid," I explained lightheartedly, "As a ten year old, it's pretty easy to come up with things I suppose. It fit with my whole Minecraft genre, and had my username on it, so I kept it."

"How interesting," Clay then turned to Jessa and asked, "How about you? Any hobbies or anything?"

"Well... I really like knitting," She admitted, "I have a whole collection of cute little beanies and tiny sweaters. I don't like making big things," She paused, "I also just started getting into origami recently. So far I can make a heart, a fox, and a crane."

"Booooooring," I saw Minx strut into the room, sitting across us on a small chair. She laughed, "Do you want to know my special talent?" Before any of us could reply no, she continued, "I can make ol' Schlatty fall head over heels for me time and time again! He's just playing hard-to-get."

"Is that so?" Sure enough, Jschlatt was standing directly behind her. Startled, she nearly jumped out of her chair. He rolled his eyes and continued walking, going outside. JustaMinx immediately went to follow after him, and Jessa frowned.

"They're so weird," Jess said, "How can anybody even live like that?"

"It's just their dynamic," I shrugged, "And in their point of view, especially Minx I'm assuming, the fact you crochet or knit or whatever is just as strange to them. They're both pretty funny on the internet," I laughed, "It looks like off-camera they are too."

"Yeah," Dream agreed, and I could tell that he didn't want to talk to Jessa

anymore. She was really nice- but there were just no common interests

between them. I guess the point of Chase's experiment was to see if a non-youtuber could fit in, and well, the answer was simply no.

Clearly, the other girl was interested in Clay and wanted to keep talking with him. I didn't want to seem clingy or desperate, so I went to the kitchen to look for snacks. The chatter of some of the other guests entering the room bothered me, what was I doing over here? I should be amid all the other people.

I fixed myself couple apple slices and went to go sit back down with my bowl when I heard a shriek from outside. It sounded just like when Minx had been hit by the keyboard, how strange- uh oh.

Everyone raced outside, Jessa so spooked she slammed into Quackity and nearly sent him over the balcony railing. The camera crew were already there and rolling as we watched the purple-haired girl scream for her life. Apparently she'd found the ice-cold pool before the voting had even occurred. Chase and two bodyguards were already at her side, lifting poor Minx out of the water. She was really having a hard day, and I hoped that she wasn't voted to go back in.

"Ok everyone uh, quick announcement," I saw the director just shake his head sadly,"Apparently her hair-dye wasn't fully set and it contaminated the pool. We can't call off the episode if we want the show to air, so we're just going to come up with a different challenge!" He cleared his throat, "To make things amusing, we're going to randomly draw names from these two bowls!" He held up two bowls clearly from the kitchen, "Inside are everyone's names. They will be randomly drawn and they will be the people to go on a date tonight!"

"Person number one from the men's side... Quackity!" Still in his beanie, Alex took a few steps forward. Chase shook the bowl again, "You'll be going out with Nikki tonight!" Soft clapping from the ground, and then he chose again. "Next from the men's side is Dream!" He picked out another name, "You're going on a date with Y/n!" I felt myself relax in relief, he was the most intriguing out of the bunch, and I had the most interests with him.

"Jessa, you're going with Angelo!" I caught them smiling at each other. Seemed like a good match, honestly. Chase finally pulled out the last set of cards, "Wilbur and..." I held my breath, praying he was paired with Minx. The producer held up the paper, a concerned look on his face, "and," he coughed, "Pokimane." The director had an extremely guilty look, "that means Jschlatt and JustaMinx are going on the date together."

"IT'S FATE!" She squealed, but Schlatt had a blank look on his face. After almost a minute, the New Yorker had a single tear fall down his face, and he said in a scarily calm voice, "Who in the motherfucking, alabama-living, alcohol drinking, sixty year old smoking, idea was this?" He stared directly at Chase, "I wouldn't sleep tonight."

A genuine scared look on his face, the producer whispered, "Roll the credits man- just. just roll the credits.

And that concluded day one! First episode out of a lot, done and done! Wooo, I...guess?


1365 Words! Posting this the same day as the first one! Please remember to comment and share your ideas, there much appreciated! Also follow for updates, it really means a lot to me as well!

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