I gulp at her words. If I was stronger, I would have continued this charade. But all I want is Wanda to have her way with me in every way possible. Especially when she's wearing that black suit with her sternum exposed.

"What do you want me to do?" I pathetically ask.

Wanda smirks as the doors open to a large hallway. She leads me out and cups my cheek.
"I want you to go into my room and strip naked except for your panties. Wait for me on your knees on my bed," Wanda instructs. I lick my lips and nod. "Third door on the left. I'll meet you in there."We both turn in opposite directions to "fulfill" our assignments. "Oh and y/n?"

My head swivels.

"Bad girls touch themselves."

I nod my head, understanding.

"Say it."

"I won't touch myself."

"Good girl."

I follow Wanda's directions to her room. I open the door hesitantly, just in case I made a mistake. I notice the old acoustic guitar and haphazardly thrown pieces of paper. Definitely Wanda.

I struggle to unzip my dress, but Wanda's reaction to any sort of disobedience, flashes through my mind and I practically tear it off. I sigh as I take off the red lingerie I had on especially for her. The cold air hits my core and I feel myself shiver. My hair falls down in waves. I run a hand through it, massaging my scalp.

I climb onto the bed and sit on my knees, anxious for Wanda's arrival. My heart beats rapidly in my chest.

The door opens as Wanda struts in. She deliberately ignores me as she goes inside the bathroom. She leaves the door open for my amusement. She puts her hair into a bun and tosses aside her blazer. She checks her teeth before walking out.

"So have you been good?" She asks taking off her heels, still not looking at me.

"Mhmm," I reply. "I haven't touched myself."

She finally looks up at me and stalks towards the bed.

"That's great to hear. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to spend the whole night punishing you," she trails her finger across my cheek to under my chin. "Unfortunately, you were still a bad girl at the party, so you're not completely off the hook."

I nod my head. Wanda smiles at my submission. She rolls up her sleeves, exposing her strong forearms.

"On all fours." It takes a second for me to process what she's going to do to me. I feel a hand smack my ass. "Now."

I hastily turn around and face the headboard. Butterflies swarm my stomach. I wiggle my ass a little to signal Wanda that I'm ready. A hand softly grazes my cheek before delivering a stinging slap. My body jolts forward and I have the distinct feeling that Wanda is grinning behind me.

"You would have been coming by now if it weren't for your little show back there," Wanda says before laying another smack on my ass.

A small whimper is the only thing that's able to fall out of my mouth. I'm too busy processing all the sensations coursing through my body. Each new slap brings new pain that quickly turns to pleasure. My thighs are slick with my arousal.

After several more slaps, she flips me over onto my back. I thought I was the only one affected by my punishment until I see Wanda's state- eyes blown wide, shirt wrinkled, hair tousled.

She leans over me and plants a fierce kiss on my lips. Her hand tangles in my hair to pull me closer to her. My hands snake around her shoulders, enjoying the close passion.

Wanda Maximoff One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now