Her attention shifted when a figure opened the door to her room and entered. Looking up, she noticed it was her father, with a cup of coffee in each hand. Shutting the door, he turned and noticed Emma awake. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he quickened his pace towards her bed. David set the coffees' down on the table at the foot of the bed and circled toward her.

"Hey kiddo, how ya feeling?", he asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What happened", Emma asked, her voice a bit horse. It was only then she noticed the pain in her head. Reaching towards the side of her head, she was stopped by her father gently taking her hand.

"Leave it be."


"Do you remember being in the mines?"

Emma searched her thoughts, she vaguely remembered being with Henry at the mines. They had been searching for something and then...nothing. "Not really.", she said starting to cry.

"Hey, hey, it's ok." David wiped at one of the tears. "You're ok and that's what matters."

"What about Henry?"

"He's ok, only a couple of bumps and bruises. Regina took him home earlier."

"Is she mad?", Emma knew the Mayor would have been furious if she found Henry with her, let alone in the mines. She could only imagine her fury at finding her son had been in a cave collapse.

"Don't worry about that right now."

A soft sigh alerted the father and daughter to Mary Margret waking. She slowly lifted her head to see two sets of eyes staring back at her. The realization that Emma was awake hit her, making her jump to her feet. "Emma!" Her eyes taking in her foster daughter, elated that the girl was awake. "Are you ok? How are you feeling?", she asked framing the younger girl's face with her hands.

"I'm ok." Emma answered, the tears pricking back in her eyes.

"Oh, Emma," Mary Margret pulled the girl into her arms. "I was so worried."

"I'm sorry", Emma cried into her mom's shoulder.

Mary Margret took a deep breath, composing herself before pulling back. She spared a glance at David, nearly forgetting the man had been sitting with her, keeping vigil over Emma since the ambulance brought her to the hospital. His look of relief was nearly identical to her own. Looking back to Emma, she let go of the breath she didn't realize she was still holding. "Honey," she was nearly lost for words. On one hand, she was ecstatic that Emma was awake, on the other, she was furious with the girl for not only going to the mines but lying to her about it. "I know...I...I mean...", Mary Margret couldn't find the words.

"She knows your sorry Em,", David began for her, "but, that still doesn't excuse what you did." Emma started to shrink under his gaze. She knew he was her father, trying his best not to step on Mary Margret's toes who still had no idea. "You and Henry put yourselves in danger." Emma looked away; she couldn't bare to see the disappointment in his eyes.

"Why?", Emma looked back up at Mary Margret. "Why did you lie? Why did you go in the mines? What could have possibly been so important that you put your life in danger, Emma?". The woman had been racking her brain all day trying to understand why on earth her girl had decided to put herself in harms way.

"I don't know.", Emma lied. She knew fully well why. However, there was no way Mary Margret would believe her.

"Yes, you do", David wasn't about to let her get away with this one. He knew exactly what Emma and Henry were up to. He couldn't talk to her like her father now, he would take care of that next time Mary Margret left the room, but he could help his, unbeknownst to her, wife the best he could. 

Emma gave him a look that could rival her mother's. One that screamed stop pushing me, 'I'm not saying anything.' But he wasn't about to let her get away with this one. When Graham called saying Leroy had reported another mine collapse, he just knew Emma was there. His heart dropped when he heard Henry's voice coming up the old mine shaft. He nearly lost it when he repelled down and found his daughter unconscious, a line of blood trailing down the side of her face from where a rock hit her. Time seemed to stand still as he held her and made sure Henry was secure as Graham and the others pulled him back to the surface.

Mary Margret had met them at the hospital in near shambles when he ran in beside the gurney with their daughter in tow. She had tried to go with the doctor and nurses, but he had to hold her back. Dr. Whale assured them he would get them any information he could as soon as possible. He knew he had to be strong for her while they waited in the lobby, letting her be the one to fall apart while he fought with the feelings of helplessness, he couldn't let her know about. He had never wished more than that moment the curse was broken.

Now, Emma lay between them on the bed, her eyes locked on her hands, refusing to look up at either adult. She knew she was in trouble, but the longer she could prolong the inevitable, the better in her eyes.

"Fine," Mary Margret relented. "We will discuss this later Emma, don't think you're in the clear." When Emma still didn't look up, she placed her fingers under the girl's chin, gently but firmly bringing her attention to her. "Do you understand?"

Emma looked at her for a moment before sighing, "Yes ma'am"

David turned his attention to the door, leaving his spot on the bed. "I'll let the doctor know she's awake."

"Thank you David", Mary Margret smiled softly at him. And with that, David left the room. As he shut the door, he fell back against it. Finally able to take a breath for the first time since the mines. He allowed himself that one moment of weakness before heading off to the nurse's station.

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